This research purports to provide the basic data to raise corporate images and to evaluate consumers' recognition by proposing effective sponsorship behaviors and advertisement types to the companies that take sports sponsorship and by measuring the effects of each advertisement type. This research conducted a questionnaire survey of college students and a total of 583 questionnaires were collected and used for analysis. The questionnaire is composed of: 4 questions regarding demographic characteristics; 3 questions regarding the similarity of advertisement type; and 42 questions regarding the image properties of advertisement types. The video of a major league baseball game, and this research inserted the advertisement of Pocari Sweat, Gatorade, and Power Aid into the experiment video and the size of exposure same. In relation to the image properties by advertisement type, the respondents recognized that the advertisement in a stadium had a favorable and proper advertisement image, that virtual advertisement was understanding, useful, interesting, and easily visible, and that PPL advertisement was persuasive, pleasant, sympathetic, favorable, appealing, and positive.
The research results show that the unique advertisement exposure effect of sports programs, the segmentation of a target market, and high acceptability of advertisement are great means for public marketing, but recently, sports consumers' concentration on advertisement in broadcasting is going down so the rate of their advertisement recollection is very low and even they tend to avoid advertisement so a new type of advertisement should be developed.
This research purports to provide the basic data to raise corporate images and to evaluate consumers' recognition by proposing effective sponsorship behaviors and advertisement types to the companies that take sports sponsorship and by measuring the effects of each advertisement type. This research conducted a questionnaire survey of college students and a total of 583 questionnaires were collected and used for analysis. The questionnaire is composed of: 4 questions regarding demographic characteristics; 3 questions regarding the similarity of advertisement type; and 42 questions regarding the image properties of advertisement types. The video of a major league baseball game, and this research inserted the advertisement of Pocari Sweat, Gatorade, and Power Aid into the experiment video and the size of exposure same. In relation to the image properties by advertisement type, the respondents recognized that the advertisement in a stadium had a favorable and proper advertisement image, that virtual advertisement was understanding, useful, interesting, and easily visible, and that PPL advertisement was persuasive, pleasant, sympathetic, favorable, appealing, and positive.
The research results show that the unique advertisement exposure effect of sports programs, the segmentation of a target market, and high acceptability of advertisement are great means for public marketing, but recently, sports consumers' concentration on advertisement in broadcasting is going down so the rate of their advertisement recollection is very low and even they tend to avoid advertisement so a new type of advertisement should be developed.
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