The purpose of this study was to explore the interpretive experience and perceptions of teachers and students in the process of applying the teaching-learning methods for expression activities using narrative learning. The period for this study was exactly from August 27, 2012 to June 13, 2013. In order to accomplish the goals of the study, two middle school physical education teachers and four middle school students participated in this study. Data collection included interviews, non-participating observation and document collection. Data were analyzed and transcribed using constant comparison and triangulation of data sources until themes emerged. Member checking and peer debriefing, and triangulation were used during data collection and analysis to help assure trustworthiness and credibility of results. Based on the results of this study, the students' experience and perceptions were categorized as following. 1) Take off stereotyped idea and put pure on, 2) Unconstrained pure soul: enjoy one's freedom to the fullest, 3) Don't be afraid to bang one’s head against a stone wall, 4) The patriotism of the creaking puppets: Blood is thicker than water. The teachers' experience and perceptions were categorized as following. 1) The flashing lights caught in a vicious circle, 2) Ant's brain and Grasshoppers's body, 3) Open sesame: growing thinking tree were categorized.
The purpose of this study was to explore the interpretive experience and perceptions of teachers and students in the process of applying the teaching-learning methods for expression activities using narrative learning. The period for this study was exactly from August 27, 2012 to June 13, 2013. In order to accomplish the goals of the study, two middle school physical education teachers and four middle school students participated in this study. Data collection included interviews, non-participating observation and document collection. Data were analyzed and transcribed using constant comparison and triangulation of data sources until themes emerged. Member checking and peer debriefing, and triangulation were used during data collection and analysis to help assure trustworthiness and credibility of results. Based on the results of this study, the students' experience and perceptions were categorized as following. 1) Take off stereotyped idea and put pure on, 2) Unconstrained pure soul: enjoy one's freedom to the fullest, 3) Don't be afraid to bang one’s head against a stone wall, 4) The patriotism of the creaking puppets: Blood is thicker than water. The teachers' experience and perceptions were categorized as following. 1) The flashing lights caught in a vicious circle, 2) Ant's brain and Grasshoppers's body, 3) Open sesame: growing thinking tree were categorized.
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