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스케일링을 이용한 다중 스케일 균열 검출

방대한 850만건의 자료 중 주제별로 만들수 있는 최적의 산출물을 해피 캠퍼스에서 체험 하세요 전문가의 지식과 인사이트를 활용하여 쉽고 폭넓게 이해하고 적용할수 있는 기회를 놓치지 마세요
7 페이지
최초등록일 2025.02.12 최종저작일 2013.09
7P 미리보기
  • 서지정보

    · 발행기관 : 대한전자공학회
    · 수록지 정보 : 전자공학회논문지 / 50권 / 9호 / 194 ~ 200페이지
    · 저자명 : 김영로, 오태명


    In this paper, we propose a multi-scale crack detection method using scaling. It is based on morphology algorithm, crack features, and scaling. We use a morphology operator which extracts patterns of crack. It segments cracks and background using opening and closing operations. Morphology based segmentation is better than existing integration methods using subtraction in detecting a crack it has small width. However, morphology methods using only one structure element could detect only fixed width crack. Thus, we use a scaling method. We use bilinear interpolation for scaling. Our method calculates values of properties such as the number of pixels and the maximum length of the segmented region.
    We decide whether the segmented region belongs to cracks according to those data. Experimental results show that our proposed multi-scale crack detection method has better results than those of existing detection methods.


    In this paper, we propose a multi-scale crack detection method using scaling. It is based on morphology algorithm, crack features, and scaling. We use a morphology operator which extracts patterns of crack. It segments cracks and background using opening and closing operations. Morphology based segmentation is better than existing integration methods using subtraction in detecting a crack it has small width. However, morphology methods using only one structure element could detect only fixed width crack. Thus, we use a scaling method. We use bilinear interpolation for scaling. Our method calculates values of properties such as the number of pixels and the maximum length of the segmented region.
    We decide whether the segmented region belongs to cracks according to those data. Experimental results show that our proposed multi-scale crack detection method has better results than those of existing detection methods.


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