The goal of this research is muscular reinforcement exercise obese woman can affect the serum albumin, WBC, hemoglobin.
In order to achieve the goal of this research the research team selected a 65-year-old obese woman residing in Seoul, who has drug-takimg, exercise experience.
The subjects of this research are 20 elderly women.
These subjects were divided into aerobic group (10 persons) and muscular reinforcement group (10 persons) and were investigated an effect on the change of serum albumin, WBC, hemoglobin. analyse data by research purpose, it analyzes the difference between groups by using ANOVA and sets statistical significance to α=.05.
The above analysis shows that the muscular reinforcement exercise and aerobic exercise has a positive effect of serum albumin, hemoglobin but WBC.
That is to say, muscular reinforcement exercise and aerobic exercise are effective for improved blood.
The goal of this research is muscular reinforcement exercise obese woman can affect the serum albumin, WBC, hemoglobin.
In order to achieve the goal of this research the research team selected a 65-year-old obese woman residing in Seoul, who has drug-takimg, exercise experience.
The subjects of this research are 20 elderly women.
These subjects were divided into aerobic group (10 persons) and muscular reinforcement group (10 persons) and were investigated an effect on the change of serum albumin, WBC, hemoglobin. analyse data by research purpose, it analyzes the difference between groups by using ANOVA and sets statistical significance to α=.05.
The above analysis shows that the muscular reinforcement exercise and aerobic exercise has a positive effect of serum albumin, hemoglobin but WBC.
That is to say, muscular reinforcement exercise and aerobic exercise are effective for improved blood.
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