· 발행기관 : 한국성인간호학회
· 수록지 정보 : Korean Journal of Adult Nursing / 25권 / 3호 / 275 ~ 288페이지
· 저자명 : 김진현, 김경숙, 김미원, 이경아
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to perform an economic analysis and estimate the fee for the practicesthat carried out by Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP) using relative value scale (RVS) and its conversion factor.
Methods: First, we developed ENP's RVS for 25 advanced nursing services based on ENP's workload and itstime spent by survey. A cost analysis was performed to evaluate the conversion factor of ENP's RVS. The shareof ENP's contribution to fee-for-service in emergency setting was also analyzed. Results: Calculation of the RVSof 25 advanced nursing practices showed a range of points from 73.4 to 296.3 and an average of 145.1 points.
The relevant conversion factor for advanced nursing practices among ENP was estimated at 12.2~15.9 won. Thecontribution rate of ENP's advanced nursing practices in the relative value scale of the national health insurancewas estimated at 13.1~17.0%. Conclusion: The practices of ENP are not compensated separately and its reimbursementis usually included in physician fee. An estimation of nursing fee and an independent fee relatedto ENP's services shows the contribution rate to total revenue. It suggests that emergency nurse practitionersbe considered as a revenue source the in emergency room.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to perform an economic analysis and estimate the fee for the practicesthat carried out by Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP) using relative value scale (RVS) and its conversion factor.
Methods: First, we developed ENP's RVS for 25 advanced nursing services based on ENP's workload and itstime spent by survey. A cost analysis was performed to evaluate the conversion factor of ENP's RVS. The shareof ENP's contribution to fee-for-service in emergency setting was also analyzed. Results: Calculation of the RVSof 25 advanced nursing practices showed a range of points from 73.4 to 296.3 and an average of 145.1 points.
The relevant conversion factor for advanced nursing practices among ENP was estimated at 12.2~15.9 won. Thecontribution rate of ENP's advanced nursing practices in the relative value scale of the national health insurancewas estimated at 13.1~17.0%. Conclusion: The practices of ENP are not compensated separately and its reimbursementis usually included in physician fee. An estimation of nursing fee and an independent fee relatedto ENP's services shows the contribution rate to total revenue. It suggests that emergency nurse practitionersbe considered as a revenue source the in emergency room.
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