中国高校资助少数民族经济困难学生对育人效果影响研究 ——以吉林省D大学研究为中心
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ㆍ발행기관 : 대한중국학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 中國學 / 84권
ㆍ저자명 : 丁宝才, 李钟林
ㆍ저자명 : 丁宝才, 李钟林
1. 绪论2. 文献综述
3. 高校少数民族经济困难学生资助育人效果分析
4. 提高资助育人效果的局限性
5. 结论
영어 초록
Currently, support projects for students in financial difficulties in universities are receiving widespread social attention in any country. It is intended to promote an understanding of the Chinese education system and educational culture by empirically analyzing the development status of this project at Chinese universities. The current state of minority students’ support system was investigated and interviewed with D University in Jilin Province, China, and the impact of economic support on the development of talent was investigated through three dimensions: self-reliance, sincerity, and psychological health of minority students were examined. In terms of self-reliance, the situation of factors such as major economic sources, learning situations, living expenses, and working learning of students was analyzed, and the impact of economic support on academic achievement was analyzed along with interviews. Factors such as patriotism, academic sincerity, and appreciation were analyzed in terms of sincerity audit, and factors such as kindness and psychological health status in terms of psychological health. As a result of the analysis, it can be concluded that the beneficiary student is relatively superior in the above three dimensions. Finally, the economic support project for minority students supplemented the support system in terms of regional grading, support, thought education, and faculty construction aimed at economic difficulties, human resource development, students’ psychological development, and students’ ability to fight poverty.참고 자료
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