Interpretation of the 勿/毋+巳+V/(于)+N and Other Related Constructions in Shang Chinese: Part I
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ㆍ발행기관 : 세계한자학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 世界漢字硏究 / 6권 / 2호
ㆍ저자명 : Ken-ichi TAKASHIMA
ㆍ저자명 : Ken-ichi TAKASHIMA
1. IntroductionZhū Shēngyù’s Comments
Examination I: Zhū Shēngyù’s Questions and Zhāng Yùjīn’s Interpretation
Abbreviations of Terms
Abbreviations of the Titles of Oracle-Bone Collections and OtherReference Works
영어 초록
This paper attempts to show that the word sì 巳(祀) used after the negative wù 勿 or wú 毋 functions as a “Vintransitive” (all the abbreviations and references used in this paper are given at the end of Part I). As such, it forms a VP, 勿/毋V1V2, where V2 is always one of the six “Type-A ritual Vs”—one being dăo 禱 ‘to pray’, the rest given in the paper. The semantic relationship between V1 (巳/祀) and V2 is closely examined. There are also inscriptions in which V1 is used before yú 于, a “multidirectional” preposition. This is labelled as “Nloc in the sense of ‘in, at’ (not ‘to, for’)” in the construction given in the title. The paper accounts for its motive principle. The paper argues that 巳/祀 is a Vaction meaning “conduct sì-providential ritual”. It was done at a place to seek divine direction and guidance from the deity or Power believed to have dwelt in situ. Originally presented in Takashima (2009a), this paper delves further into linguistic, philological, and cultural aspects of the 巳-ritual couched in the VP, 勿/毋V1(=巳/祀)V2. A major reason for its use is to contrast the 巳-ritual with other rituals and sacrifices. The details will be explained with examples. Part I covers “Examination I: Zhū Shēngyù’s Questions and Zhāng Yùjīn’s Interpretation”. The paper answers the former and evaluates the latter. Part II begins with “Examination II: Qiú Xīguī’s Interpretation” and ends with the conclusions of the entire paper.참고 자료
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