범용 농지에서 코이어 폐배지를 이용한 콩의 생육 및 품질 증대
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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국생물환경조절학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 생물환경조절학회지(구 시설원예ㆍ식물공장) / 32권 / 4호
ㆍ저자명 : 왕신, 박지우, 이용재, 이광야, 박종석
ㆍ저자명 : 왕신, 박지우, 이용재, 이광야, 박종석
서 론재료 및 방법
1. 시험 작물 및 재배 조건
2. 실험 처리구
3. 작물 생육조사
4. 통계분석
결과 및 고찰
1. 논 토양 및 코이어 폐배지의 물리화학적 특성
2. 콩의 생장 및 품질
적 요
사 사
영어 초록
In recent years, the government has strongly promoted multi-purpose utilization of paddy field. However, poor drainage causes waterlogging stress in upland crops, requiring subsurface drainage technology, resulting in high installation and management costs. To address this issue, a low-cost and high-efficiency technique was developed that utilizes wasted coir substrates which have characteristics of high porosity and good drainage, for upland crop cultivation in paddy fields. Soybeans were grown in both paddy soil and wasted coir slab with two planting densities (80×20 cm and 60×20 cm). The results showed that the coir substrates had better performance than the paddy soil in terms of soil physical and chemical properties and the growth and yield of upland crops are improved. The treatments using wasted coir substrate showed a 41.4% increase in yield and a 21.3% increase in protein content compared to PS treatment. Our findings demonstrate that recycling waste coir substrates to grow upland crops is a positive cultivation strategy to solve some drainage problems in paddy fields. This approach offers a sustainable solution for upland crop production while also addressing the issue of waste management in agriculture.참고 자료
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