건축 입면의 깊이에 관한 연구 - Paul $Cacute{e}zanne$의 회화를 중심으로 -
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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 15권 / 4호
ㆍ저자명 : 육옥수
ㆍ저자명 : 육옥수
영어 초록
To begin with the purpose of protecting human life from the exterior in the prehistoric age, architecture was nothing but a shelter without any relation between the exterior and the intoner. But, today, with the community developed, architecture can not be resisted with her own function and have to change of the reciprocal one. Different with the oriental architecture, we can see, western architecture has developed in the stream of the form. The main idea of the space in terms of the relation, above all, is mostly concerned with relation between the exterior and the interior like between the architecture and the city. So the role of the facade in depth is the intermediation which consist to the relation in the exterior and interior of architecture. Considering a relation between two elements; the exterior and the interior, we can be inspired in the case of paintings, especially in the works of the Paul $Cacute{e}zanne$. $Cacute{e}zanne$ originally show the depth of space by different disposition of three parts : the background, the objects and intermediate space between the former. For instance, different with the other painters who put the background rear in the canvas and objects in the front of the background, $Cacute{e}zanne$ took the background and objects a same value and assure a depth in space by virtue of the intermediate space. Finally, by putting the background in forward of layer in the canvas and objects situated behind the background, the depth of the space can be occurred. Same as the idea of $Cacute{e}zanne$, Giuseppe Terragni and jean Nouvelle in architecture also intensify their effects through the activation of intermediate space between the interior facade and exterior frame. Not limited in the relation with the architecture and the city, space in relation gives us a higher quality of architectural promenade in depth.참고 자료
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