1. 서 론
1-1. 연구 목적
1-2. 연구 범위와 방법
2. 옛 동헌 일곽의 건물과 배치
2-1. 읍지와 옛 그림에서 보는 동헌 일곽
2-2. 지적원도로 보는 동헌 일곽의 필지
3. 동헌 일곽의 해체 과정
3-1. 지방제도의 개편과 관아의 혁파
3-2. 식민통치를 위한 관공서로 전용
3-3. 시구개정에 의한 도로의 개설
3-4. 법인과 개인에 대한 필지 불하
4. 결론
The purpose of this paper is to examine the dissolution process of Dongnae-bu Dongheon Block(東萊府東軒 一廓) under the Rule of Japanese. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the space orgnization of Dongnae-bu Dongheon Block(東萊府東軒一廓) proved to be clear on the basis of Dongnae-bu Eupji (東萊府邑誌), the ficture of Dongnae-bu(東萊府) and the Original Land Registration Map(地 籍原圖) at the end of Joseon Dynasty. Second, the old government offices, as well as Chungsin-dang(忠信堂), were converted into the local government office for the sake of Japanese colonialism. Third, the old government office and its land were transferred to the banking system(金融組合) and the educational foundation(學校組合) in the interests of Japanese colonist. Finally, the transfer land of civilian industry association forced Mangmi-ru(望 美樓) and Dokjin-daeamun(獨鎭大衙門) to remove to another site and the private lots-subdivision assisted space taking to pieces.