도로 및 기상조건을 고려한 노면온도변화 패턴 추정 모형 개발
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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국도로학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 한국도로학회논문집 / 20권 / 2호
ㆍ저자명 : 김진국, 양충헌, 김승범, 김승범, 박재홍
ㆍ저자명 : 김진국, 양충헌, 김승범, 김승범, 박재홍
2. 문헌고찰
3. 자료구축
3.1. 자료수집
3.2. 변수선정
4.1. 노면온도와 도로구간과의 영향관계
4.2. 노면온도와 하늘상태와의 영향관계
4. 영향관계 분석
5. 모형구축 및 분석결과
5.1. 모형구축
5.2. 분석결과
6. 결론
영어 초록
PURPOSES: This study develops various models that can estimate the pattern of road surface temperature changes using machine learning methods. METHODS : Both a thermal mapping system and weather forecast information were employed in order to collect data for developing the models. In previous studies, the authors defined road surface temperature data as a response, while vehicular ambient temperature, air temperature, and humidity were considered as predictors. In this research, two additional factors-road type and weather forecasts-were considered for the estimation of the road surface temperature change pattern. Finally, a total of six models for estimating the pattern of road surface temperature changes were developed using the MATLAB program, which provides the classification learner as a machine learning tool. RESULTS: Model 5 was considered the most superior owing to its high accuracy. It was seen that the accuracy of the model could increase when weather forecasts (e.g., Sky Status) were applied. A comparison between Models 4 and 5 showed that the influence of humidity on road surface temperature changes is negligible. CONCLUSIONS: Even though Models 4, 5, and 6 demonstrated the same performance in terms of average absolute error (AAE), Model 5 can be considered the optimal one from the point of view of accuracy.참고 자료
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