스폴링이 발생한 콘크리트 포장의 내구성 영향인자 조사를 위한 실험적 연구
* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.
ㆍ발행기관 : 한국도로학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 한국도로학회논문집 / 20권 / 2호
ㆍ저자명 : 유태석, 류성우, 김진철
ㆍ저자명 : 유태석, 류성우, 김진철
2. 실내시험
2.1. 실험변수 및 배합
2.2. 콘크리트 배합의 변화에 따른 실험결과
2.3. 콘크리트 양생이 물성에 미치는 영향
3. 공용구간 파손상태에 따른 콘크리트 물성 비교
3.1. 코어채취 구간의 선정
3.2. 코어채취 방법
3.3. 슬래브 중앙 및 단부의 콘크리트 물성 차이 분석
3.4. 콘크리트 물성사이의 상관성
3.5. 내구성 파손과 콘크리트 물성의 관계
4. 결론
영어 초록
PURPOSES : It is necessary to prevent premature failure of concrete pavements caused by durability problems. The purpose of this study was to find factors affecting the durability of concrete pavements, and suggest improvement methods for existing concrete mix design. METHODS: Factors influencing durability were derived from laboratory test data for common field failure conditions and main properties of concrete cores taken from the field. The improvement of concrete properties was investigated by evaluating the performance of existing and proposed mix proportion designs and curing methods. RESULTS: The compressive strength and the absorbing performance of the low Blaine cement and the high-strength mixture were better than those of the TypeⅠcement. Wet curing showed better compressive strength, elastic modulus, coefficient of thermal expansion, and absorption performance than air curing or compound curing. As a result of comparing concrete cores collected in the field, the sections with good durability showed good performance in terms of resistance to chloride ion penetration, absorption, and initial absorption rate. CONCLUSIONS: The absorption performance was considered as a possible foactor affecting durability of cement concrete pavements as a result of field core tests. In order to improve the durability of the pavement concrete, it is necessary to improve the existing mixtures and curing methods.참고 자료
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