One hundred twenty five bacterial isolates were obtained from the brown blotch-diseased oyster mushrooms collected from markets. Among them, 45 were determined as pathogenic bacteria and white line foaming organisms(WLFO) were 6 strains and white line reaction organisms (WLRO) were 6 strains. All of the white line forming isolates were identified as Pseudomonas tolaasii which is a known pathogen of brown blotch disease of oyster mushroom by GC-MIS(Gas chromatography-microbial identification system). Six of the white line reacting organisms were identified as P. chlornraphis, P. fluorescens biotype A and type C. The rest of them were P. gingeri, P. agarici, P. fluorescens biotype B, P. chlororaphis, non-pathogenic P. tolaasii, P. putida biotype A and B etc. For spectnun of activity of tolaasin, culture filtrates from pathogenic isolates were examined by browning of mushroom tissue and pitting of mushroom caps. The weak pathogenic bacteria didn't induce browning or pitting of mushroom tissue. On the other hand, strong pathogenic isolates showed browning and pitting reaction on mushroom. An extracellular toxin produced by P. tolaasii, was investigated. The hemolysis activity test of 6 strains identified as P. tolaasii were 0.80.9 at 600 nm and 3 strains of WLRO were 0.9-1.0 and Pseudomonas spp. were 1.0-1.2. Observation of fresh mushroom tissue using confocal laser scanning microscopy was carried out for images of optical sectioning and vertical sectioning. Also images of brown blotch diseased oyster mushroom tissue after contamination P. tolaasii was obtained by CLSM.
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