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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국국제농업개발학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 한국국제농업개발학회지 / 29권 / 3호
ㆍ저자명 : 김수정, 손황배, 서종택, 김금희, 홍수영, 김기덕, 장동칠, 구본철, 김율호
ㆍ저자명 : 김수정, 손황배, 서종택, 김금희, 홍수영, 김기덕, 장동칠, 구본철, 김율호
ABSTRACT국외 생산 동향
생산 현황
수출입 동향
국내 생산 동향
생산 현황
수출입 동향
적 요
영어 초록
Buckwheat is a major food crop with a world production of 1.9 million tons. This study analyzes the domestic and overseas production trends of buckwheat and presents supply and demand forecasts to provide basic data for stable production of buckwheat. Asia has the largest cultivated area of buckwheat and its production has been increasing not only in Asia but also in Europe. Notably, the trend of buckwheat production is steadily increasing in the Americas and some African countries. The top 5 producers of buckwheat are Russia, China, Ukraine, France and Poland. In particular, China and Russia accounts for 64% of the total production. Among the 28 producing countries, Korea placed 11 ~ 17th in production rank, which is at the middle of the total countries. In Korea, the cultivation of buckwheat started in 1961 covering 21,548 ha, and peaked at 27,417 ha in 1968, but then decreased to 2,095 ha in 2014. However, in 2016, the cultivated area has slightly increased to 3,177 ha. The recent interest in health foods has raised the domestic demand for buckwheat. The annual consumption of buckwheat per capita in 2016 is 80 g, and domestic self-sufficiency rate is 62.2% in 2016 which is higher than other grains. Buckwheat is currently consumed in the form of flour, buckwheat groat, etc., including noodles, which accounts for more than 96% of the total processed form of buckwheat. The market for buckwheat is expected to expand with the creation of buckwheat beverages with high added value like buckwheat tea.참고 자료
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