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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국컴퓨터게임학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 한국컴퓨터게임학회 논문지 / 27권 / 3호
ㆍ저자명 : 이재홍
ㆍ저자명 : 이재홍
2. 게임의 역기능과 순기능의 문제
3. 게임과 인문 융합의 필요성
4. 게임융합을 위한 인문학의 범위
5. 게임 구성요소의 인문융합
5.1 캐릭터 융합
5.2 사건 융합
5.3 세계관 융합
6. 결론
영어 초록
Play for mankind was evolved into the current era of digital media found in a monitor, so-called ‘game’. Along the current trend of broadly expanding the users of game, the collision is frequently occurred from the issues associated with balance between the proper and reverse function melted in a terminology, “game”. However from the perspective of writer, the existence of game, if it is in an inseparable relation with the mankind, should be fully accepted, rather than be blamed, therefore, our life should be settled down as a cultural trend in the age of “cultural prosperity”. The writer also realizes that game should be settled down as advanced cultural contents as high-edge, comprehensive cultural arts. Therefore, the writer strongly argues that the convergence of engineering and humanities imaginations should be achieved for the unity of knowledge in game industry. Humanistic element is required for the convergence of engineering and humanistic imaginations. In-depth consideration is highly required to find an approach how two afore-mentioned elements, that are totally different each other but in the neighborhood, are to be well-mixed and integrated for story-telling, which is the ultimate motivation for this study. Therefore as a result, a key to dilute the dysfunctional issues associated in game industry was the convergence of humanities; accordingly, this study was to seek a methodology what humanities can be integrated with the components of game, such as character, event and background.참고 자료
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