삼척 연안 청어자망의 그물 재질에 따른 어획과 군집 분석
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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회)
ㆍ수록지정보 : 수산해양기술연구 / 51권 / 3호
ㆍ저자명 : 안희춘, 배재현, 박종명, 홍성익, 김성훈, 박해훈
ㆍ저자명 : 안희춘, 배재현, 박종명, 홍성익, 김성훈, 박해훈
영어 초록
Experiments for catch and cluster analysis on the catch by gillnet for the Pacific herring were conducted using traditional nylon net (PA) and developing biodegradable net (PBS) with different monofilaments of #2 (=0.23 mm) and #3 (=0.28 mm) in diameter between 2011 and 2012, and of #2, #2.5 and #3 in 2013 in the eastern coastal waters of Samcheok, Korea. The total catch during the experiments was 3,337kg in weight and 16,757 individuals in number. Though the catch ratio of the Pacific herring in 2011 and 2012 was 97.4% and 98.7%, respectively, that of the Pacific herring in 2013 was 73.6% as the biggest and followed by goldeye rockfish (8.6%), black edged sculpin (8.4%), atka mackerel (7.2%) and Alaska cod (1.0%). The ANOVA analysis on the total catch in relation to net material showed that there was not statistically significant difference at the 5% level between nylon net (PA) and biodegradable net (PBS) (p=0.91). With the cluster analysis on the catch in relation to net material (PA, PBS) and twine thick (#2, #3), it showed the influence of net material on the catch was greater than that of twine diameter in this experiment. From the test of homogeneity on the catch by the gillnet with PA and PBS in which several species were caught in 2013, there was not statistically significant homogeneity in relation to net material (p0.005). That meant the traditional gillnet of nylon (PA) was more efficient than the biodegradable (PBS) gillnet to catch several kinds of fish, however the PBS gillnet was better than the PA gillnet to catch the target Pacific herring.참고 자료
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