基于知识与科技创新的韩国 对中国FDI决定因素的实证分析
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ㆍ발행기관 : 대한중국학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 中國學 / 54권
ㆍ저자명 : 대운해
ㆍ저자명 : 대운해
1) 韩国在华投资状况
2) 韩资企业对中国的投资影响因素
5. 一带一路背景下韩国对中国FDI的建议与启示
영어 초록
In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward to build “Silk Road Economic Belt”and "21st Century Maritime Silk Road”(One Belt One Road). “One Belt One Road” would also directly contribute to the continues growth of China's FDI. FDI is one of the key issues in the process of economic development all around the world. With the rapid development of China-Korea economic, the FDI between Korea and China is particularly attracting extensive attention. In this paper, by using South Korea to China's FDI as a carrier, the determinants of FDI from South Korea to China has been studies under conditions of both practical evidences and experience. In the aspect of practical evidence, green data KTL is introduced timely along with the use of PANELDATA data, which is the product with the development of global green economy, knowledge and technological innovation has been imported to econometric model as determinants. On the other hand, the FDI from China to Korea has been analyzed while with its successful experience. Results shows that GDP (market and the scale of economies), TIEC (Industrial clusters and regional attraction), WAGE (cost and factors), KTL (knowledge innovation and technology) are the determinants of South Korea to China's FDI. Selecting the target stage by stage, implementation of the Chinese localization, taking resource-oriented and making reasonable choice of business focus, concentrating its attention to technology innovation and patent protection is South Korea's successful experience to outward FDI.참고 자료
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