1. 서론
2. 내화시험
3. 열전달 해석
3.1 열전달 해석의 개요
3.2 재료의 열적 특성
3.3 열전달 해석 모델링
3.4 무피복 단면의 열전달 해석 결과
4. 내화성능 평가
4.1 피복 재료의 특성
4.2 실험결과와 해석결과의 온도 비교
4.3 하중 가력
4.4 실험결과와 해석결과의 구조성능 비교
5. 결론
SLIM AU(A plus U-shaped) composite beam had been developed for not only reducing the story height in residential and commercial building, but also saving the cost of floor construction. The structural performance and economic feasibility was sufficiently approved by means of structural experiments and analytical studies. Even though fire resistance of the SLIM AU composite beam was evaluated throughout furnace fire test, the fire performance of the composite beam using finite element analysis is not analysed yet. Therefore the predictions of fire resistance simulations with loading as well as temperature distribution of the composite beam are summarized in this paper.