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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회)
ㆍ수록지정보 : 수산해양기술연구 / 46권 / 4호
ㆍ저자명 : 김영섭, 최정화, 김정년, 오택윤, 최광호, 이동우, 차형기
ㆍ저자명 : 김영섭, 최정화, 김정년, 오택윤, 최광호, 이동우, 차형기
영어 초록
Species composition and seasonal variation of fish assemblage in Sacheon marine ranching, Korea were examined. Sampling was seasonally made by a shrimp trawl from February 2009 to November 2009. A total of 55 species were collected. Of these, five species was dominant species comprising 51.1% of the total number of individuals. Nine species represented 57.3% of the total biomass. While total abundance (number of individuals) was high in spring, total biomass and species richness (number of species) and diversity were high in autumn. Cluster analysis, based on seasonally abundance data of the 21 most common species, showed that the species were separated into 4 different groups. Group A composed of Pholis nebulosa, Pleuronectes yokohamae, Hypodytes rubripinnis, Hexagrammos otakii, Tridentiger trigonocephalus and Paracercis sexfasciata, which were year round residents, group B Congr myriaster, Leiognathus nuchalis, and Platycephalus indicus, which were abundant in autumn, group C Sillago japonica, Pseudaesopia japonica, Zoarces gilli, Pholis fangi, and Pleuronichthys cornutus which were abundant in spring, and group D Sillago sihama, Cociella sp., Johnius grypotus, Cynoglossus joyneri, Cynoglossus robustus, and Pennahia argentata, which were abundant in summer. Principal component analysis revealed that seasonal variation in the fish assemblage was attributed to the abundance of temporal species such as conger and sand smelt fishes, which were abundant in summer, due to seasonal variation of water temperature.참고 자료
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