자망의 수중형상에 대한 음향학적 해석
- 최초 등록일
- 2023.04.05
- 최종 저작일
- 2007.05
- 10페이지/ 어도비 PDF
- 가격 4,000원
* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.
ㆍ발행기관 : 한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회)
ㆍ수록지정보 : 수산해양기술연구 / 43권 / 2호
ㆍ저자명 : 한진석, 신현옥
영어 초록
An experiment to acoustically analyze the shape of gill-net in the current was conducted in Jaran Bay, Gosung, Korea on the 9th to 10th September(spring tide) and 28th to 29th September(neap tide) 2006. It was measured by a 3D underwater positioning system with a radio-acoustic linked positioning buoys. Six of 7 acoustic transmitters used in the experiment were attached on the float line of the gill-net and the other was fixed on the sea bed. During spring tide, the maximum movement of the gill-net was 27.0m(22:00) in the west(4.4cm/s, 311.9˚) and 20.6m(04:00) in the east(3.9cm/s, 66.5˚). The maximum extension of the gill-net(the distance between P1 and P6) was 119.8m(21:00, 11.6cm/s, 321.9˚) and the minimum was 109.9m(23:00, 16.1cm/s, 88.5˚). During neap tide, the maximum movement was 38.0m(20:00) in the east(9.6cm/s, 278.2˚) and 11.0m(12:00) in the west(1.9cm/s, 232.1˚). The maximum extension was 99.6m(14:00, 12.5cm/s, 94.7˚) and the minimum was 85.0m(06:00, 9.0cm/s, 265.8˚). During spring tide, the maximum height of the gill-net from the sea bed was 3.7m(02:00, 7.4cm/s, 151.6˚) and the minimum was produced the three times as 1.5m. At that time, the current speed and direction was 17.9cm/s and 85.3˚(23:30), 16.1cm/s and 249.4˚(05:00), and 13.7cm/s and 291.4˚(06:30), respectively. During neap tide, the maximum height was 3.6m(12:30, 2.1cm/s, 242.3˚) and the minimum was 1.5m(14:00, 12.5cm/s, 94.7˚).
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