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국내 해양시설의 신고 현황과 관리 방안에 관한 연구 2. 지역별 및 시설종류별 현황을 중심으로

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발행기관 : 해양환경안전학회 수록지정보 : 해양환경안전학회지 / 16권 / 3호
저자명 : 김광수

한국어 초록

2009년 말 기준의 국내 해양시설 신고 현황을 지역별 및 시설 종류별로 분석하고 국가차원의 관리방안을 제안하였다. 여수청에 신고한 시설이 8가지 종류로 가장 다양하였으나 포항청, 대산청 및 제주해양관리단에 신고한 시설이 각각 3가지 종류에 불과하였다. 기름 및 유해액체물질 저장시설은 모든 지방청의 신고 실적이 있고 시설의 수도 가장 많은 종류이며, 여수청과 마산청이 각 38개소로 공동 1위를, 평택청이 11개소로 최하위를 차지하였다. 오염물질저장시설은 마산청이 4개소, 동해청과 목포청이 각 2개소, 여수청, 군산청 및 평택청이 각 1개소였으며 나머지 지방청에는 신고 실적이 없었다. 선박건조 수리 해체시설은 모든 지방청의 신고 실적이 있는 종류이며, 전국 시설(조선소)의 45%가 마산청과 부산청 관할의 남해 동부해역에 집중되었다. 하역시설은 부산청과 목포청이 각 3개소, 대산청이 1개소였으며 나머지 지방청은 신고 실적이 없었다. 폐기물저장시설은 울산청이 5개소, 군산청이 4개소, 인천청이 2개소, 여수청이 1개소였으며 나머지 지방청에는 신고 실적이 없었다. 취수 배수시설은 전국의 65%가 포항지역과 목포지역에 집중되었고, 유어장은 전국의 78%가 마산지역에 집중되었다. 그 밖의 시설은 동해청이 4개소, 마산청이 3개소, 여수청과 평택청이 각 2개소, 인천청과 울산청이 각 1개소였으며 나머지 지방청에는 신고 실적이 없었다. 종합해양과학기지는 제주해양관리단이 3개소, 여수청, 울산청 및 군산청 각각 1개소였으나 나머지 지방청에는 신고 실적이 없었다. 해양시설에 대한 국가차원의 관리방안으로는 지방청별 여건을 고려한 관리, 시설 종류별 특성을 고려한 관리, 관계 법령 및 규정의 개정, 해양시설 종류별 이행사항 숙지 및 준수, 국가적 견지의 적극적 관리조치 등을 제안하였다.

영어 초록

Present state of nationwide marine facilities reported to 12 regional maritime affairs and port offices of MLTM in Korea for two years 2008 and 2009 was analyzed based on region and type of facilities, and national management plan was proposed in this study. As of the end of 2009, 8 types of marine facilities were reported to Yeosu regional maritime affairs and port office, while only 3 types of facilities were reported to Pohang, Daesan and Jeju regional offices, respectively. Oil and noxious liquid substances storage facilities belonged in the type of facility which was reported to all of 12 regional offices, and ranged from 11 facilities reported to Pyeongtaek regional office to the respective 38 facilities to Yeosu and Masan regional offices. In pollutants storage facilities, 4 facilities were reported to Masan regional office, 2 facilities to Donghae and Mokpo regional offices, respectively, 1 facility to Yeosu, Gunsan and Pyeongtaek regional offices, respectively, and none of facilities to the other regional offices. Ship construction, repair and scrap facilities belonged in the type of facility which was reported to all of 12 regional offices, and 45% of the facilities were concentrated in Southeastern Sea of Korea centering around Busan and Masan. In cargo handling facilities, 3 facilities were reported to Busan and Masan regional offices, respectively, 1 facility to Daesan regional office, and none of facilities to the other regional offices. In wastes storage facilities, 5 facilities were reported to Ulsan regional office, 4 facilities to Gunsan regional office, 2 facilities to Incheon regional office, 1 facility to Yeosu regional office, and none of facilities to the other regional offices. 65% of nationwide water intake and drainage facilities were concentrated in the areas of Pohang and Mokpo, and 78% of nationwide fishing spots at play were concentrated in the area of Masan. In other marine facilities, 4 facilities were reported to Donghae regional office, 3 facilities to Masan regional office, 2 facilities to Yeosu and Pyeongtaek regional offices, respectively, 1 facility to Incheon and Ulsan regional offices, respectively, and none of facilities to the other regional offices. In integrated marine science base facilities, 3 facilities were reported to Jeju regional office, 1 facility to Yeosu, Ulsan and Gunsan regional offices, respectively, and none of facilities to the other regional offices. The management based on the circumstances of regional offices, the management based on the characteristics of the type of facilities, the amendment of the relevant rules and regulations, facility owner's full knowledge and observance of the relevant rules and regulations with regard to the relevant type of facilities, and positive management actions from national point of view were proposed for national management plans of marine facilities.

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