· 발행기관 : 한국방사성폐기물학회
· 수록지 정보 : 방사성폐기물학회지 / 20권 / 4호
· 저자명 : Kyungwon Suh, Jung Bo Yoo, Kwang-Soon Choi, Gi Yong Kim, Simon Oh, Kanghyun Yoo, Kwang Eun Lee, Shinkyoung Lee, Young Sang Lee, Hyeju Lee, Junhyuck Kim, Kyunghun Jung, Sora Choi, Tae-Hong Park
1. Introduction
2. Experimental
2.1 Equipment and Chemicals
2.2 Filter Waste Samples and Acid Leaching
2.3 Gamma Spectrometry
2.4 Gross Alpha Measurement
2.5 Determination of the Radioactivity of 55Fe,59,63Ni, 90Sr, 94Nb, and 99Tc
2.6 Determination of the Radioactivity of3H and 14C
2.7 Determination of the Radioactivity of 129I
2.8 Calculation of the Minimum DetectableActivity (MDA)
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Acid Leaching of Filter Waste Samples
3.2 Radioactivity Concentration Determinationof Gamma Emitters
3.3 Radioactivity Concentration Determinationof Gross Alpha
3.4 Radioactivity Concentration Determinationsof 55Fe, 59,63Ni, 90Sr, 94Nb, and 99Tc
3.5 Radioactivity Concentration Determinationsof 3H and 14C
3.6 Radioactivity Concentration Determinationof 129I
4. Conclusion
The decommissioning of nuclear facilities produces various types of radiologically contaminated waste. In addition, dismantlement activities, including cutting, packing, and clean-up at the facility site, result in secondary radioactive waste such as filters, resin, plastic, and clothing. Determining of the radionuclide content of this waste is an important step for the determination of a suitable management strategy including classification and disposal. In this work, we radiochemically characterized the radionuclide activities of filters used during the decommissioning of Korea Research Reactors (KRRs) 1 and 2. The results indicate that the filter samples contained mainly 3H (500–3,600 Bq·g−1), 14C (7.5–29 Bq·g−1), 55Fe (1.1– 7.1 Bq·g−1), 59Ni (0.60–1.0 Bq·g−1), 60Co (0.74–70 Bq·g−1), 63Ni (0.60–94 Bq·g−1), 90Sr (0.25–5.0 Bq·g−1), 137Cs (0.64–8.7 Bq·g−1), and 152Eu (0.19–2.9) Bq·g−1. In addition, the gross alpha radioactivity of the samples was measured to be between 0.32–1.1 Bq·g−1. The radionuclide concentrations were below the concentration limit stated in the low- and intermediatelevel waste acceptance criteria of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, and used for the disposal of the KRRs waste drums to a repository site.
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