• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

Forecasting Leaf Mold and Gray Leaf Spot Incidence in Tomato and Fungicide Spray Scheduling

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국생물환경조절학회 수록지정보 : 생물환경조절학회지(구 시설원예ㆍ식물공장) / 31권 / 4호
저자명 : Mun Haeng Lee


Materials and Methods
Literature Cited

영어 초록

The current study, which consisted of two independent studies (laboratory and greenhouse), was carried out to project the hypothesis fungi-spray scheduling for leaf mold and gray leaf spot in tomato, as well as to evaluate the effect of temperature and leaf wet duration on the effectiveness of different fungicides against these diseases. In the first experiment, tomato leaves were infected with 1 × 104 conidia·mL-1 and put in a dew chamber for 0 to 18 hours at 10 to 25°C (Fulvia fulva) and 10 to 30°C (Stemphylium lycopersici). In farm study, tomato plants were treated for 240 hours with diluted (1,000 times) 30% trimidazole, 50% polyoxin B, and 40% iminoctadine tris (Belkut) for protection of leaf mold, and 10% etridiazole + 55% thiophanate-methyl (Gajiran), and 15% tribasic copper sulfate (Sebinna) for protection of gray leaf spot. In laboratory test, leaf condensation on the leaves of tomato plants were emerged after 9 hrs. of incubation. In conclusion, the incidence degree of leaf mold and gray leaf spot disease on tomato plants shows that it is very closely related to formation of leaf condensation, therefore the incidence of leaf mold was greater at 20 and 15°C, while 25 and 20°C enhanced the incidence of gray leaf spot. The incidence of leaf mold and gray leaf spot developed 20 days after inoculation, and the latency period was estimated to be 14‒15 days. Trihumin fungicide had the maximum effectiveness up to 168 hours of fungicides at 12 hours of wet duration in leaf mold, whereas Gajiran fungicide had the highest control (93%) against gray leaf spot up to 144 hours. All the chemicals showed an around 30‒50% decrease in effectiveness after 240 hours of treatment. The model predictions in present study could be help in timely, effective and ecofriendly management of leaf mold disease in tomato.

참고 자료



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Forecasting Leaf Mold and Gray Leaf Spot Incidence in Tomato and Fungicide Spray Scheduling
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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