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[영문에세이/essay] 경영전략/ OCBC(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation) 은행 관련 논문 과제물입니다.

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"[영문에세이/essay] 경영전략/ OCBC(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation) 은행 관련 논문 과제물입니다."에 대한 내용입니다.
Business Strategy/ OCBC Bank


1. Executive Summary
2. Issues and Outlook Profile
2.1 Challenges in Cyber-Security and the Rise of Fintech Companies Present Opportunities for Differentiation Strategies
2.2 Challenges When Going into Digital Era
3. External Analysis
3.1 Political
3.2 Economic
3.3 Sociocultural
4. Internal Analysis
4.1 The Primary Activities
4.1.1. Inbound Logistics
4.1.2. Operations
4.1.3. Outbound Logistics
4.1.4. Sales and Marketing
4.1.5. Services
4.2 The Secondary Activities
4.2.1. Firm Infrastructure
4.2.2. Human Resources Management
4.2.3. Technology Development
4.2.4. Procurement
5. Strategy Implications from the Analysis
5.1. Overview of Strategy
5.2. 4 Points of Focus
6. Action Plan
7. Conclusion
8. Reference List and Bibliography
9. Appendices


1. Executive Summary
In view of the current sluggish economy and the unpredictability of global headwinds, the three dominant local banks in Singapore (DBS, OCBC, and UOB) have decided to take a more prudent approach to growth.
The general consensus of OCBC’s leadership is to pursue sustainable growth through disciplined cost control. The bank is also strategically focusing on expanding the bank’s franchise in its key markets. OCBC posted a 1% net profit for Q2 2019, with the profit coming mainly from its private banking and wealth management franchise.
In terms of consumer banking, local markets are relatively healthy. However, the outlook is not as rosy. Great Eastern Holdings, OCBC’s insurance arm, has not been performing well since Q4 of 2018. There has been stiff competition in this semi-oligopolistic industry. DBS’s recently launched product, the DBS Multiplier Account, is directly competing with OCBC’s product, the OCBC 360 account.

참고 자료

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[영문에세이/essay] 경영전략/ OCBC(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation) 은행 관련 논문 과제물입니다.
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