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Fake News (가짜뉴스)에 대한 영어논문입니다.

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This paper deals with the correlation between fake news and political tendencies. Fake news is becoming a big problem in modern society. The study was based solely on qualitative data. The reason is that the concept definition of fake news has not yet reached consensus and political tendency is an abstract concept that cannot be expressed numerically. The main reason why fake news was selected as the subject of this study is that fake news has a great influence on the citizens' choice to form a political tendency. Also, fake news is becoming the biggest social problem in recent years. Today, most societies use representative democracy as a political system. Political tendencies that have the greatest influence on political behavior under representative democracy are important topics to be discussed. In this paper, we see how fake news has influenced political tendencies through several historical events. The above is presented through the case of Hitler and Nazi, the case of the US presidential election in 2016, and some cases in Korea. Fake news should be regulated because it negatively affects citizens' political choices. However, the method should not violate freedom of expression and freedom of speech.


1. Introduction & Motivation
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
4. Hitler and Nazi
5. US Presidential Elections 2016
6. Examples in Korea
7. Algorithm Traps, ‘Filter Bubble’
8. Discussion & conclusion


Introduction & Motivation
Today, almost every country on earth believes democracy as the best political system. The constitutional principle of the governing structures that sustains democracy is the principle of national sovereignty, the principle of representative, and the principle of separation of powers. Among them, the most important way to realize the principle of representative is voting. Their political orientation has the greatest impact on the background of citizens choosing a political party or person in the election. This means that the political tendency of the majority of citizens creates political power that dominates them. The political tendency in this paper does not distinguish the left and the right. Here define political tendencies as simply the elements on which citizens' political actions are based. By political power, a society can develop greatly or go in the opposite direction. This is proven historically, whether it is Eastern and Western.
Some political scholars have argued that political inclination is inherited.

참고 자료

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