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ㆍ발행기관 : 대한군상담학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 대한군상담학회 학술대회지
ㆍ저자명 : 박승철, 정진도, 조환성, 서란숙
ㆍ저자명 : 박승철, 정진도, 조환성, 서란숙
Ⅰ. 서 론Ⅱ. 실험재료 및 방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결 론
Ⅴ. 참고문헌
한국어 초록
동서고금을 막론하고 예부터 오늘날까지 건강식품으로써 각광받고 있는 굴은 소비량이 증가함에 따라
양식을 통해 수요를 충족해 왔다. 소비자 수요를 충족하는 것만 생각하여 시작된 굴 양식은 가공과정에
서 발생되는 굴 패각으로 인한 환경적 악영향을 고민하게 되었다. 대표적인 환경적 영향은 굴 패각에
부착된 육질부패로 인한 악취, 침출수 등이 있고, 나아가 연안 어장의 오염과 공유수면 관리상의 문제
및 자연경관을 훼손하는 원인이 되고 있다. 따라서 적정한 처리가 요구되는 실정이나 굴 패각은 폐기물
관리법에 의거 사업장폐기물로 분류됨에 따라 일반차량으로 운송이 불가하고 폐기물 수송차량으로만 운
송할 수 있어, 위탁처리비용 증가의 원인이 되어 어업인들의 경제적 부담을 가중시키고 있다. 또한, 불
법투기 및 매립을 막기 위해 일부 지자체에서 공유수면을 매립하여 패각 집하장을 설치하고 있으나, 매
립 종료 후 또 다시 발생될 문제를 생각하면 장기적인 대책이라고 보기는 힘든 방법이다.
영어 초록
Oyster farming is big in Southern and West Coast in Korea. It is the most dominant source of incomeof the local residents however, in the process of shipping oysters, people tend to sold the flesh only
after removing oyster shells. Therefore, a lot of shells waste are being made near oyster farms and
shucking factories.
Some oyster shells are recycled as seeding collection and fertilizer. Nevertheless, in terms of
cost-effective matter, a large amount of shells are piled up in an untreated condition and when shells
are overloaded, bringing shells could be even blocked.
It is increasingly happening chances that shells could be left behind near shucking factories
unattended. This is detrimental to society and residents' living environment by causing bad smell along
with spoiling coast landscapes.
In consequence, this study examines producing PCC(Precipitated Calcium Carbonate) through Pilot
plant along with methods for pre- treatment for oyster shells, quicklime manufacture and slaked lime
stone making method in order to recycle oyster shells as fertilizer, cement raw or paper fillers.
For this PCC production experiment, oyster shells were crashed smaller than 2cm diameter using
Crusher to remove salinity and moist on the surface. Electric Oven was used to produce (Ca(OH)2) and
the experiments for carbonation of it were used to transform into CaCO3.
This study result shows that CaO content from oyster shell was 95.5wt% and CaO content from
limestone was 99.1%. This educates that even though oyster shell CaO rate was lower than limestone's,
still it contents more than 95% of CaO.
Also, 80.4% of slaked lime made from oyster shell has changed to Ca(OH)2 in the case of using
limestone, 52% has changed to Ca(OH)2.
Oyster shell's calcium oxide content and whiteness is higher than limestone. So It was investigated as
competitive as possible.
But, The quality of PCC for paper utilizing oyster shell was investigated at a low level compared to
current commercial products. Therefore, Applying the PCC of oyster shell was investigated as difficult.
참고 자료
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