• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

Phenylethynyl-terminated polyimide, exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets, and the composites: an overview

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국탄소학회 수록지정보 : Carbon Letters / 19권 / 1호
저자명 : Donghwan Cho, Lawrence T. Drzal


1. Phenylethynyl-Terminated Imide Polymer
2. Phenylethynyl End-Group Reaction Behavior of PETI-5 [24]
3. Curing Behavior of PETI-5 [23]
4. Imidization and Cure Reaction of PETI-5 Impregnated Glass Fabrics [34]
5. Improvement in Adhesion of Carbon Fiber/BMI Composites Using a High Temperature Sizing Material, PETI-5 [45]
6. Expansion Behavior of Graphite Flake [63]
7. Dynamic Mechanical and Thermal Properties of PETI-5/xGnP Composites [76]
8. Effect of xGnP on the Electrical Resistivity of PETI-5 [80]
9. Coating of xGnP with ATBN and an Epoxy Composite [89]
10. Concluding Remarks

영어 초록

In efforts to characterize and understand the properties and processing of phenylethynyl-terminated
imide (LaRC PETI-5, simply referred to as PETI-5) oligomers and polymers as
a high-temperature sizing material for carbon fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites,
PETI-5 imidization and thermal curing behaviors have been extensively investigated based
on the phenylethynyl end-group reaction. These studies are reviewed here. In addition, the
use of PETI-5 to enhance interfacial adhesion between carbon fibers and a bismaleimide
(BMI) matrix, as well as the dynamic mechanical properties of carbon/BMI composites,
are discussed. Reports on the thermal expansion behavior of intercalated graphite flake, and
the effects of exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets (xGnP) on the properties of PETI-5 matrix
composites are also reviewed. The dynamic mechanical and thermal properties and the electrical
resistivity of xGnP/PETI-5 composites are characterized. The effect of liquid rubber
amine-terminated poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile) (ATBN)-coated xGnP particles incorporated
into epoxy resin on the toughness of xGnP/epoxy composites is examined in terms of
its impact on Izod strength. This paper provides an extensive overview from fundamental
studies on PETI-5 and xGnP, as well as applied studies on relevant composite materials.

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Phenylethynyl-terminated polyimide, exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets, and the composites: an overview
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