RFID/USN 기반 농업분야 u-IT 적용을 위한 u-Farm 정보 아키텍처 및 정보 관리기술 개발
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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국산업경영시스템학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 산업경영시스템학회지 / 38권 / 1호
ㆍ저자명 : 류승완, 박세권, 오동옥, 강영준, 박유진, 신동천
ㆍ저자명 : 류승완, 박세권, 오동옥, 강영준, 박유진, 신동천
1. 서 론2. u-IT 시범사업 평가모형 개발 및 분석
2.1 농업 u-IT 시범사업 분석 및 평가 모형
2.2 시범 사업 평가 결과 및 개선 방향
3. u-Farm 정보시스템 아키텍처
3.1 정보시스템 아키텍처 연구 현황
3.2 u-Farm 엔터프라이즈 아키텍처 설계
4. u-Farm RFID/USN 정보 관리기술
4.1 RFID/USN 통합 정보관리 미들웨어
4.2 u-Farmware USN 센서정보 관리모듈
4.3 u-Farmware RFID 정보 관리모듈
5. 현장 적용 시험 및 검증 연구
5.1 현장 적용 시험 모형 구축
5.2 현장 적용 시험 결과 및 분석
6. 결론 및 시사점
영어 초록
Generally, because individual agricultural product possesses its own distinctive characteristics and shows different characteristics at each stage of the agricultural supply chain, it is necessary to develop a proper enterprise architecture for managing information system. In this paper, we propose an enterprise architecture based on RFID/USN technology that can be used as a reference enterprise architecture for u-IT application in the agriculture sectors, which is called the u-Farm enterprise architecture with taking heterogeneous characteristics of agricultural products into account for. In addition, we also developed the RFID/USN middleware platform as a core infrastructure technology. Fo evaluation of the performance of the proposed u-Farm architecture and the RFID/USN middleware platform, the field-trial evaluation at the apple Agricultural Processing Center (APC) has been executed and the results shows that the proposed architecture and platform perform well in terms of information integration over the whole SCM process from the farming stage to delivering statge to the customers. It is expected that the proposed u-Farm enterprise architecture can be utilized as a standard information architecture, and the RFID/USN middleware platform can be a infrastructure platform for future u-IT based information technology applications and services in the agricultural environment.참고 자료
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