• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

南冥의 理氣觀

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 경상대학교 남명학연구소 수록지정보 : 남명학연구 / 22권
저자명 : 張立文

한국어 초록

‘南冥學’의 精髓는

영어 초록

The essence of Nam-myeong's Learning(南冥學) can be found in '24 Diagrams(24圖)' which be inserted in Nam-myeong's famous book of [Hak-ki-ryu-pyeon(學紀類編)]. Nam-myeong deduced the ideal and logical structure that cover the thing and its function from metaphysics to physics by his own learning method of mind concentration. Next 9 diagrams of [Sam-jae-il-tae-geuk(三才一太極)], [Yi-gi(理氣)], [Cheon-gi-do(天理氣)], [In-gi-do(人理氣)], [Sim-tong-seong-jeong(心 統性情)], [Cheon-do(天道)], [Cheon-myeong(天命)] are the clue of his learning which made from his own hands. [Sam-jae-il-tae-geuk(三才一太極)] is an article to solve the problem of the thing of metaphysics of 'Tae-keuk(太極)'. It contains the fundamentals to explain the same origination between the Thing & Its Function(體用), and the concerning to find the various values of universe, nature, permanence, human, morality. Nam-myeong wrote [Yi-gi-do(理氣圖)], [Cheon-ri-gi-do(天理氣 圖)], [In-ri-gi-do(人理氣圖)] after understanding the theories several scholars, Jang-jae(張載), Yi-jeong(二程), Ju-hee(朱熹), Hwang-gan(黃 榦), Jin-sun(陳淳), on the base of 'gung-ri-myeong-seon(窮理明善)'. There is a circle which divided by black and white on upper-central part of [yi-gi-do(理氣圖)]. This circle simplified the meaning of Tae-keuk(太極) as the harmony between the Positive and the Negative(陰陽). He cleared up the function, character, position and effect from three discourses upon the essential problem in the world. Moreover, He established the relation between Heaven(天) and Human(人) by writing both of [Cheon-gi-do(天氣圖)] and [In-go-do(人氣圖)]. And, in [Sim-tong-seong-jeong-do(心統性情圖)], he explained the changing aspect from Cheon-gi(天氣) and In-gi(人氣) to Seong(性) and Jeong (情). Nam-myeong's [Sim-tong-seong-jeong-do(心統性情圖)] is differ from Toe-gye‘s(退溪) [Sim-tong-seong-jeong-do(心統性情圖)] which has same name article in [Seong-hak-sip-do(聖學十圖)]. However, it coincide with both of articles. Nam-myeong established his peculiar academic world which penetrate all part of his learning from real and small thing to vast and boundless truth in upper-mentioned articles in the book [Hak-ki-ryu-pyeon(學記類篇)]

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南冥의 理氣觀
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