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고려청자에 대한 사회적 기억의 형성과정으로 본 조선 후기의 정황

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발행기관 : 한국미술연구소 수록지정보 : 美術史論壇 / 29권
저자명 : 장남원

영어 초록

This study started from questions that Goryeo celadon, flourishing in Goryeo period and trending in Asia at the same time, had been suddenly attracting academic attention to both Korea and Japan scholars in modern times, and revived as a collection of artifacts and reproduction with exhibitions. It has important influence of the concern and collection of Goryeo celadon, and reading of the text in the late Joseon dynasty on the process of knowing the reason why people are reminded the relationship of the equation, ‘Goryeo’=‘Feisek(翡色)’.
There are various historical documents and literary records reveal recognition on Goryeo celadon. Among them, manuscripts of Gaolitujing (高麗圖經), recorded a itinerary of country messenger of Northern Sung who had come to Goryeo in 1123, written by Xu Jing (徐兢), is thought to have contributed to give information of Feisek-celadon.
There are not many information of Goryeo ceramics in Gaolitujing. It is no more than about 10 documents including earthenware and celadon. However, This is very important historical document to quate that writing year is sure and also the purpose and circumstance are clear. Because currently known historical record of Goryeo period is not many, actually it is very rare. And the types and materials of various vessels described in Gaolitujing have provided crucial evidence to study of the craft history occasionally.
But in the meantime celadon-related documents of Gaolitujing have been quoted fragmentarily, so far there are no examples that consider the entire article collectively. Furthermore, it has never been studied how Gaolitujing has been understood along with its historicity. Already there can not be found the evidence that the Goryeo themselves called celadon ‘Feisek(翡色)’ in early Goryeo period in other internal and external records except Gaolitujing.
However, It is very interesting that commenting Gaolitujing in histories and anthologies of Joseon period, through this document, the memories of Goryeo celadon had been continued constantly. In the existing opinion that perception of ‘Goryeo Feisek’ was derived from modern Japanese interest in Goryeo culture and domestic academic interest in history of Goryeo, futhermore it can be ascertained that Gaolitujing was read through the repeatedly reading, copying, garnering of various histories and anthologies of Joseon period. Particularly, three different types of copies in libraries of Ewha womans university and Korea University, Seoul national university Kyujanggak (奎章閣) were investigated in the process for the first time. Therefore significance of Gaolitujing as a text that helps better understanding Goryeo can be known.
It is highly likely that the various information written about Goryeo in Gaolitujing has been provided a rigid point of view on Goryeo consistently and repeatedly. Especially the information of celadon was quoted by scholars as being reconstructed the contents of Goryeo sa(高麗史), Xiuzhonggin(袖中錦), and Gaolitujing. As a result, the interests and ideas of Feisek-celadon was not formed in Modern times, rather the memories through the text and the actual object were linked together throughout the Joseon Dynasty, specially in the late Joseon Dynasty when books and relics were introduced rapidly from China, it had become firmly.

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고려청자에 대한 사회적 기억의 형성과정으로 본 조선 후기의 정황
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