• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

동(東)아시아의 불교식문화비교연구(佛敎食文化比較硏究) -경도(京都) 서본원사(西本願寺)의 [어정기(御正忌)]-

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국식생활문화학회 수록지정보 : 韓國食生活文化學會誌 / 11권 / 1호
저자명 : 김천호

영어 초록

[Goshogi] which is held from 9th to 16th January, every year is the Buddhist service of praying for the soul of Shinran's (l173~1262) after death. It is the most majestic high-filling style and also unparalled in the annals of Japanese history in sacrificial offering. Shinran was horned in the Fujiwara's family. And not only he believed Prince Shodoku's belife but also retired to the mountain to enter the priesthood by it. Prince Shodoku built Horyu temple which is the typical temple of Nara ages. Buddism was transmitted from Korean peninsula, three countries of Silla, Bekje and Kokuryo effected on many field of Japnese culture during that ages. At the same time, Kasugadaisha and Danjanjinja of Shinto religion was built by Fujiwara Family. Both of them was Buddhist temple before. Throughout like these historical background, the facts what the religious services and the sacrificial offerings for Prince Shodoku, Wakamiyasai of Kasugas' and Kakitsusai of Danjanjinja must be influenced from Korean Peningula. So the dietary culture of the religious rites and traditional customs between two countries could be thought the relation with a narrow stream strait. But among them, in the size, color and shape, the cooking method and technique in the usage of rice powder and sugar, it is tops in value. The noteworthy points of the thought were as follows: 1. high-filling style of the sacrificial offerings what is mixed and harmonized with Buddhism, Confucious, Sharmanism, Toaism and Korean traditioal customs. 2. eating together of god and human. 3. the fusion of gods and Buddha.

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탑툰 이벤트
동(東)아시아의 불교식문화비교연구(佛敎食文化比較硏究) -경도(京都) 서본원사(西本願寺)의 [어정기(御正忌)]-
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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