천연 강황 추출물의 약리, 화학적 특성 및 분석
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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국유화학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 韓國油化學會誌 / 28권 / 4호
ㆍ저자명 : 성기천
ㆍ저자명 : 성기천
영어 초록
Natural Curcumin belongs to Zingiber Officinale Roscoe was known to possess natural odor, natural taste, natural color, and other pharmaceutical & chemical characteristics. Natural Curcumin extract was made to use ethanol as a solvent was to show a yellow color having state of solid powder and an active component. Natural Curcumin extract tested pharmaceutical & chemical experiment to dilute in curcumin 1%-water solution. Curcumin extract tested antimicrobial experiment using microbe, and tested dye experiment using fiber. Some conclusions in the result of characteristics experiment was obtained as follow. The result of antimicrobial experiment showed that the growth of staphylococcus aureus (ATCC-001) and aspergillus niger (ATCC-002) as microbes decreased according to passage of time. This phenomenon could know that Curcumin compoment showed influence to antimicrobial effect. Also, the result of dye experiment showed that cotton and sick with fiber dyeing dyed in direction of dark yellow color. This phenomenon could know that Curcumin extract showed influence to dyeing effect in observation of optical electron microscope(OEM.) The result of instrument analysis ascertained inorganic components of K(53.300ppm), Na(1.150ppm), Ca(0.711ppm), Ti(0.351ppm), Li(0.256ppm), Cu(0.233ppm) etcs from Curcumin component with ICP/OES, and ascertained organic components of propanoic acid(1.859), benzene(10.814), phenol(14.194) etcs from Curcumin component with GC/MSD.참고 자료
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