토끼에서 FSH제의 Single Injection에 따른 과배란유기 효과
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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국수정란이식학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : Journal of Embryo Transfer / 11권 / 3호
ㆍ저자명 : 최상용, 노규진, 최창용, 강태영, 윤희준, 손우진, 이효종, 박충생
ㆍ저자명 : 최상용, 노규진, 최창용, 강태영, 윤희준, 손우진, 이효종, 박충생
영어 초록
A series of experiments were designed to determine the feasibility of single dose of FSH as an effective superovulation method in rabbits. The superovulation treatments examined comparatively were as follows: 1) a single injection of 100 IU PMSG, 2) Multiple injections of 1 IU Super-OV of 2X daily for 3 days, 3) Multiple injections of 6.6 rng Folltropin-V 2X daily for 3 days, 4) Multiple injections of 13.3 rng Folltropn-V l daily for 3 days, 5) Single injection of 40 mg Folltropin-V solved in 10% PVP, and 6) Single injection of 40 mg Folltropin-V dissolved in 25% PVP. The results obtained were as follows: The nurnher of ovulation points in the single injection of 40 mg Folltropin-V dissolved in 25% PVP and multiple injections of 6.6 mg Folltropin-V 2X daily for 3 days was averaged 44.6 and 39.2, respectively, which were significantly (P<0.05) more than in a single dose of PMSG or multiple doses of Super-OV. The number of total ova recovered in the single injection of 40 mg Folltropin-V dissolved in 25% PVP and multiple injections of 6.6 mg Folltropin-V 2X daily for 3 days was averaged 30.4 and 25.9, respectively, which were significantly (P<0.05) more than in the single dose of PMSG or multiple doses of Super-OV. A similar result was obtained for the number of fertilized ova recovered from the above six treatments. From the above results it was concluded that a single injection of 40 mg Folltropin-V dissolved in 25% PVP could be an effective and simple method for superovulation in rabbits.참고 자료
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