· 발행기관 : 한국응용곤충학회
· 수록지 정보 : 한국응용곤충학회지 / 31권 / 3호
· 저자명 : William S. Bowers
Investigation of the environmental impact of widespread pesticide use has revealed a virtue/vice relationship. Although many pesticides perform their function and disappear without harm to the environment, others persist beyond their useful purpose and cause direct of indirect hazard to man, domestic animals and wildlife. Concurrently, many pests have rapidly adjusted to chemical control practices through changes in behavior that avoid exposure to pesticides of throuth genetic selection for populations resistant to the toxicants. The prospect of losing control over insect herbivores and desease vectors and returning to the days of global hunger and disease is unthinkable. Fortunately, from basic studies of insect and plant biology many opportunities for the development of safe, selective and environmentally pacific strategies for insect pest management are being realized.