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有機燐劑抵抗性 점박이응애(Tetranychus urticae Koch)에 關한 硏究

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국응용곤충학회 수록지정보 : 한국응용곤충학회지 / 7권
저자명 : Seung Chan Lee, R. A. Harrison

영어 초록

The study involved determination of resistance levels of spider mites ta argano-phosphates using topical application and slide dip techniques, laboratory serening tests of alternative acaricides using an O/P resistant strain and a field trial of the screened materials. 1. Strains of Tetranychus were from Timaru(TR), Havelock Narth (HNR), Lincaln (LN). Germany (GR, GN). Comparisons of the resistant strains and normal strains at the LD50 and LC50 levels were as follows : (a) Using the topical application tochnique, with Parathian. resistant levels of the GR. TR and HNR strains of T. urticae were respeativuly, 1035. 484 and 452 times as resistant' as the LN strain. (b) Using the slide dip technique, with Phosdrin, resistant of GR, TR and HNR strains of T. urticae were 635, 274 and 266 times greater respeativuly, than the GN strain. 2. The laboratory sereaning tests were carried out far their contact plus stomach and residual effect to assess the toxicities of eleven alternative materials which would be used far control of O/P resistant strain of T. urticae. The acaricide groups represented were 3 organo-chlorines (Spidex, Kelthane and C 8514), 2 nitrophenyls (UC 19786 and Morocide), 2 cyclic carbonates(Eradex and Morestan). I carbamate (UC2004 7A), 1 mixture of carbamate and orano-chlorine and 2 other chemicals (C 8677 and M2527). From all acaricide tested. Kelthane and Morocide were the most effective, folowed by Spidex and M2527. Morestan, C8514. C8677 and RS 143 were intermediate, but Eradex, UC 19786 and UC 20046A were poor. 3, The number of sapmles required for estimation of the population in the field evaluation of acaricidal effects was one giving the highest practical precision. It was decided, after preliminary sampling trials. to use samples of 30 leaves per replicate which gave a standard error. 4. In the field trials, Morocide applied at the a. i. conc. to black currant trees gave excellent control of O/P resistant population of T. urticae for about 12 days, but Morocide 0.025 and Kel thane a. i. cone. gave efficient control for about 6 days. In other words. first applications of Kel thane ane Moroeide gave very high degrees of control of O/P resistant population of the two-spotted spider mite. However, the results indicate that secondary application would sometimes be necessary. There was no foliage damage of black Currants and strawberries by either acaricides at the concentrations used. Acknowledgment ... The authors are grateful to: Dr. R. P. pottinger, Senior Lecturer in Agricultural Zoology. Lincoln college. New Zealand. for his helpful assistance in aiding with the organization of thd field work. Department of agriculture officers for mite colonies. Mr. D. A. Slade, Technical Advisor. Fruitgrowers' Federation (now at Massey University) for his assistance and provision of mites for testing. Mr T. McRae of Timaru for permission to use his crops for field tests. The following chemical companies and I or their New Zealand agents for so readily supplying samples of acarides, Ivan Watkins-Dow Limited. Fruitgrowers Chemical Company Limited. Henry H. York & company (New Zealand). Shell Oil (New Zealand) Limited.

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有機燐劑抵抗性 점박이응애(Tetranychus urticae Koch)에 關한 硏究
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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