• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

1893년 대공황과 윌슨-고먼 관세법: 클리블랜드 대통령의 관세 개혁을 중심으로

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 동국사학회 수록지정보 : 동국사학 / 59권
저자명 : 정태희


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 1893년 대공황의 원인
Ⅲ. 윌슨-고먼 관세법 제정 이전의 클리블랜드 관세 입장
Ⅳ. 1893년 공황타개를 위한 클리블랜드의 경제신념의 변화
1. 원자재 무관세 전략
2. 클리블랜드의 통화관
3. 셔먼은구매법의 폐지
Ⅴ. 윌슨-고먼 관세법 제정과정과 관세개혁의 실패
Ⅵ. 결론

한국어 초록

이 글은 미국의 제 22대 및 24대 대통령직을 수행했던 그로버 클리블
랜드의 관세개혁 가운데 입법화된 윌슨-고먼법의 제정과정을 두고 상하양
원의 대립과정과 그 결과 관세개혁의 대의를 상실했던 과정을 분석하였다.
클리블랜드의 관세관, 원자재 무관세 논리, 1893년 공황에 대한 그의 국정
운영의 변화, 셔먼 은구매법 폐지를 둘러싼 대통령의 리더십 활용, 클리블
랜드의 통화관, 월슨-고먼 관세법의 제정과정을 통해 그가 대공황을 극복
하고자 노력했던 진면과 상원간의 반목속에서 관세개혁의 대의와 위상이
추락되는 과정을 살펴보았다.
이 글을 통해 클리블랜드는 1893년 공황에 대해 무능력하고 무력한 대
통령이 아니라 도금시대라는 시대적 한계를 지니지만 이를 극복하려는 타
협에 굽히지 않는 정직한 인물이자 작은 정부, 독과점 현상의 방지, 금본위
제 수호로 국가의 대외신임도 추락을 막고 저율관세로 고율보호관세의 보
호막으로부터 체질저하의 국내산업에 대외경쟁력을 갖춘 미국의 굳건한
경제토대를 구축하고자 인물이었음을 확인하였다.

영어 초록

This essay is aimed to examine why Grover Cleveland’s Tariff
Reform was failed and what was his veracity of Tariff Reform through
U.S. Legislative Process of Wilson-Gormon Tariff Act, which he kept
to initiate and legislate. He was a Jeffersonian Democrat and the
twenty-second and twenty-fourth President of the United States, holding
the white House form 1885 to 1889 and again form 1893 to 1897. His
objective of tariff Reform were the following. Low taxes and tariffs, no
national debt, sound money, strict construction of the Constitution,
economy and accountability.
Cleveland’s aim for the Tariff Reform changed at the height of the
panic of 1893 before and after. After Cleveland took office as the 24th
president again, he and his 2nd adminstration wanted to repeal the
McKinley Tariff and legislate the tariff revise act as soon as possible.
But at the time the most urgent issue was to cope with the crisis of
the 1893 Depression. So, in order to overcome the economic crisis he
had to stabilize the monetary system and restore the currency system
at home and abroad.
For searching of the both monetary stabilization and confidency restoration in Currency system, Cleveland showed his political influence
to repeal the sherman Silver Purchase Act. In order to win he offered
public office and The Democratic party’s hegemony to leading politicians
within the Democrats who alined with Cleveland’s anti-silver stance.
It was the very Tariff Reform Bill of 1894 that not only Cleveland
but also William Wilson agreed and wrote. The Wilson Bill was passed
the house easily, but when the bill was been proposed before the
Senate, conditions were rapidly changing. For the tariff reform, Cleveland
came up against the Protectionists and well as the Siverites in the
Democrats. Many Senators added 460 amendments to the original
version of the House bill(Wilson bill) for not the future of the nation
but the interests of their local voter and industrialist.
In order to save the Wilson’s original tariff version, Wilson open
Cleveland’s letter to the Democratic senators in the house-senate conference.
His letter was publicly to denounce them and to appeal to public
opinion. But when the senators protested Cleveland, the political situation
reached in stalemate. Finally the Senate’s amended bill passed the house.
Cleveland was in a dilemma. It was difficult for him to sign or veto
the Wilson-Gorman Tariff bill(Senate’s amended bill). He wanted to
give historical lesson to next generation by showing the process of
Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act. The result was Democrat’s election defeat
between 1894-1912.

참고 자료



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1893년 대공황과 윌슨-고먼 관세법: 클리블랜드 대통령의 관세 개혁을 중심으로
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