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What are intermediary strategic approaches of Samsung mobile phone devices on creating further additional value of brand equity? 논문 프로포절(Dissertation proposal)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기


논문을 쓰기전, 이와 같이 논문을 쓰겠다 라고 하는 proposal 입니다
삼성 모바일폰 마케팅 전략에 대해서 쓰겠다고 했으며, 나머지 내용은 기타 논문들과 구조는 같습니다. 변경하셔도 좋습니다.


1. Introduction and Rationale3

2. Subject area of Research3

3. Title of Dissertation4

4. Research objective4

5. Antecedent literature found on proposed topic5

6. Research Strategy6
6.1. Research Philosophies:6
6.1.1. Positivism6
6.2. Research Approach6
6.2.1. Deductive method6
6.3. Data Collection Methods6
6.3.1. Secondary research6
6.3.2. Primary research7

7. Bibliography7


1. Introduction and Rationale
It is the main focal point of this dissertation proposal to study empirical impacts of digital convergence, especially a segment of mobile phone of Samsung Electronic globally. As far as the brand awareness goes, Samsung Electronic is dominantly reputable in semiconductors, LED screen technology (e.g. television, monitor etc.) and mobile phones. (P.4, Samsung Electronic, 2010)

Technology advancement has come fast forward in twenty-first century and consumer sensitivity on switching from one brand to another became easier than a decade ago for consumer. Digital convergence and high Research and Development (R&D) expenditure are read to be leading factors of positing where Samsung Electronic is standing at now. (P.7, Samsung Electronic, 2010) The term ‘digital convergence’ is critically acknowledged as a main contributor of Samsung’s success as early adaption has a significant impact on core value of brand and product developments. Mueller (1999)

참고 자료

Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity (1993)
Available URL: http://www.jstor.org/pss/1252054
Date viewed on 4 February 2012
Available URL: http://www.javnost-thepublic.org/media/datoteke/1999-3-mueler.pdf
Date viewed on 3 February 2012
Samsung Electronic Annual Report (2010)
Available URL: http://www.samsung.com/us/aboutsamsung/ir/financialinformation/annualreport/downloads/2010/SECAR2010_Eng_Final.pdf
Date viewed on 4 February 2012
Keller, Kevin Lane (1993), “Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity,” Journal of Marketing, 1 (January), pp. 1-22
Houston, Michael J., Terry L. Childers and Susan E. Heckler (1987), “Picture-Word Consistency and the Elaborative Processing of Advertisements,” Journal of Marketing Research, 24 (November), pp.359-69
Myers-Levy, Joan (1989), “ The Influence of a Brand Name’s Association Set Size and Word Frequency on Brand Memory.” Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (September), pp.197-207
Park, Chan-Su (1991), “Estimation and Predication of Brand Equities Through Survey Measurement of Consumer Preference Structures,” unpublished doctoral dissertation proposal, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
Wyer, Robert S., Jr. and Thomas K. Srull (1989), “Person Memory and Judgment,” Psychological Review, 96 (1), pp.58-83
Bryman.A and Bell.E, (2007), Business Research Methods, Oxford University Press
Saunders, M. (2009) Research Methods for Business Students, 5th Edition, Pearson Education Prentice Hall
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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What are intermediary strategic approaches of Samsung mobile phone devices on creating further additional value of brand equity? 논문 프로포절(Dissertation proposal)
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