1. Introduction
2. Development of fuzzy control theory
3. Application of fuzzy logic control to traffic load management
4. Summary and Conclusion
The development and implementation of a real-time, traffic adaptive control scheme based on fuzzy logic through Video Image Detector systems (VIDs) is presented. Through VIDs based image processing, fuzzy logic can be used for a real-time traffic adaptive signal control scheme. Fuzzy control logic allows linguistic and inexact traffic data to be manipulated as a useful tool in designing signal timing plans. The fuzzy logic has the ability to comprehend linguistic instructions and to generate control strategy based on a priori verbal communication. The implementation of fuzzy logic controller for a traffic network is introduced. Comparisons are made between implementations of the fuzzy logic controller and the actuated controller in an isolated intersection. The results obtained from the application of the fuzzy logic controller are also compared with those corresponding to a pretimed controller for the coordinated intersections. Simulation results from the comparisons indicate the performance of the system is better under the fuzzy logic controller. Integration of the aforementioned schemes into an A TMS framework will lead to real-time adjustment of the traffic control signals, resulting in significant reduction in traffic congestion.