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사회복지학 전공 대학생의 다문화 수용성 향상을 위한 교육프로그램 개발과 효과성 연구

방대한 850만건의 자료 중 주제별로 만들수 있는 최적의 산출물을 해피 캠퍼스에서 체험 하세요 전문가의 지식과 인사이트를 활용하여 쉽고 폭넓게 이해하고 적용할수 있는 기회를 놓치지 마세요
23 페이지
어도비 PDF
최초등록일 2015.03.25 최종저작일 2013.09
23P 미리보기
  • * 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.



    · 발행기관 : 한국사회복지교육협의회
    · 수록지 정보 : 한국사회복지교육 / 23호
    · 저자명 : 박인아


    I. 서론
    Ⅱ. 문헌고찰
    Ⅲ. 다문화 사회복지 교육프로그램의 개발
    Ⅳ. 다문화 사회복지 교육프로그램의 효과성 평가
    Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언


    The purpose of this study is to develop, execute and verify a 10 session program to
    improve the receptivity of multi-culture of university students majoring in Social Welfare.
    For the purpose of this study, a multi-culture social welfare educational program was
    developed and the 10 week program was executed on 66 university students who take
    Multi-culture Social Welfare subject. To measure the effects of this program on the
    improvement of receptivity of multi-culture of the students, cultural receptivity, cultural
    relativity, and accommodation of universal rights were surveyed before and after the
    program. From the analysis, it was found that cultural receptivity, cultural relativity,
    accommodation of universal rights were significantly increased in average after the program.
    Especially, it was found that the perception that the culture of immigrants should be
    acknowledged and they should be able to live with us rather than they should be assimilated
    with the mainstream to develop our society, and we should acknowledge their rights as the
    members of the society was increased remarkably.


    The purpose of this study is to develop, execute and verify a 10 session program toimprove the receptivity of multi-culture of university students majoring in Social Welfare.For the purpose of this study, a multi-culture social welfare educational program wasdeveloped and the 10 week program was executed on 66 university students who takeMulti-culture Social Welfare subject. To measure the effects of this program on theimprovement of receptivity of multi-culture of the students, cultural receptivity, culturalrelativity, and accommodation of universal rights were surveyed before and after theprogram. From the analysis, it was found that cultural receptivity, cultural relativity,accommodation of universal rights were significantly increased in average after the program.Especially, it was found that the perception that the culture of immigrants should beacknowledged and they should be able to live with us rather than they should be assimilatedwith the mainstream to develop our society, and we should acknowledge their rights as themembers of the society was increased remarkably.


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