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아내강간 발생과 관련 변수 파악 및 인식

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국사회복지학회 수록지정보 : 한국사회복지학 / 39권
저자명 : 신성자


1. 서론
2. 아내강간에 대한 선행연구
3. 연구 방법
4. 자료분석의 결과
5. 요약 및 사회사업 실천적 합의

한국어 초록

As a pioneering study on wife rape, this study focuses on identifying the prevalence, the correlates of the individual social class and domestic violence background, and the perception of wife rape. This study uses the data based on the survey 224 married men and women who reside in Daegu, Korea.
The result of this study shows that about 42.4% married men have experienced any type of wife rape. The most prevalent wife rape is force only wife rape(36.4%). Battering rape(12.1%) and sadistic rape(10.4%) are also found as significant coercive sexual issue among Korean couples.
Monthly income and child abuse experience are found as significant predictors for the wife rape of married men. In addition, wife’s religious enthusiasm is also negatively correlated with wife rape propensity, although the effect is not strong. The living standards is found as a strong correlate of women’s propensity of being raped from their husbands. Thus, our practical attention should be given to those who have financial difficulties in low economic status, and to those who have significant child abuse experience, in order to prevent wife rape.
Overall, married men and married women show pretty negative perceptions of wife rape, however, some of them are still positive of it. It is interesting that married men show a very defensive attitude against the proposal of establishing legal punishment for the people who commit wife rape. According to the gender, there is a considerable difference between men and women in terms of both the degree of acceptance of, and the demand for legal punishment of wife rape. It is problematic that the married women with a greater experience of being raped by husbands show far greater tolerance of wife rape than those with a less experience of it. These findings give us significant practical implications for social work intervention.

영어 초록

As a pioneering study on wife rape, this study focuses on identifying the prevalence, the correlates of the individual social class and domestic violence background, and the perception of wife rape. This study uses the data based on the survey 224 married men and women who reside in Daegu, Korea. The result of this study shows that about 42.4% married men have experienced any type of wife rape. The most prevalent wife rape is force only wife rape(36.4%). Battering rape(12.1%) and sadistic rape(10.4%) are also found as significant coercive sexual issue among Korean couples. Monthly income and child abuse experience are found as significant predictors for the wife rape of married men. In addition, wife’s religious enthusiasm is also negatively correlated with wife rape propensity, although the effect is not strong. The living standards is found as a strong correlate of women’s propensity of being raped from their husbands. Thus, our practical attention should be given to those who have financial difficulties in low economic status, and to those who have significant child abuse experience, in order to prevent wife rape. Overall, married men and married women show pretty negative perceptions of wife rape, however, some of them are still positive of it. It is interesting that married men show a very defensive attitude against the proposal of establishing legal punishment for the people who commit wife rape. According to the gender, there is a considerable difference between men and women in terms of both the degree of acceptance of, and the demand for legal punishment of wife rape. It is problematic that the married women with a greater experience of being raped by husbands show far greater tolerance of wife rape than those with a less experience of it. These findings give us significant practical implications for social work intervention.

참고 자료



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아내강간 발생과 관련 변수 파악 및 인식
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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