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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국주거학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 한국주거학회논문집 / 22권 / 1호
ㆍ저자명 : 김진희, 안옥희, 조영미
ㆍ저자명 : 김진희, 안옥희, 조영미
I. 서 론II. 이론적 고찰
III. 연구방법
IV. 결과분석
IV. 결 론
한국어 초록
본 연구에서는 보건복지가족부에서 총괄하는 다문화가족지원센터의 프로그램 분석을 통하여 결혼이민자의주거환경 적응을 돕는 사회적 지원에 대하여 살펴보고,나라별 결혼이민자의 주거환경 적응에 대한 면담을 통하여 주거환경에 대하여 파악하여 결혼이민자가 건강한 가정을 이루고 우리나라 주거환경에 잘 적응할 수 있도록 하는데 도움이 되는 기초자료를 얻고자 한다.본 연구는 다음과 같은 연구내용으로 이루어져 있다.첫째, 결혼이민자의 지원기구인 다문화가족지원센터의 프로그램에 대하여 알아본다.둘째, 결혼이민자의 일반적 특성에 대하여 알아본다.셋째, 결혼이민자의 주거환경 평가에 대하여 알아본다.넷째, 결혼이민자의 주거환경 적응사례에 대하여 알아본다.영어 초록
With the recent increase in the number of foreign settlers in our country, a societal system is needed which they can adapt to more easily. The results of the study were as follows. First, from the result of analyzing the 171 programs of the multi-cultural family support system, it could be seen that in order for the marriage immigrants to more successfully adapt, various programs are needed. Second, when the study had an interview with 13 marriage immigrants from China,Vietnam and Philippine about their adaptation to residential environment, they had a high satisfaction with their residential environment when their spouses’ educational level was high. In<estimation on residential environment>, they appraised that South Korea was superior to their native land in scale and facilities of buildings and the buildings of their native land were superior to those in South Korea in terms of soundproof applications, natural lighting and ventilation, which were indoor environmental elements. Third, they were generally satisfied with their residential environment. However, they stated that it took 6 months~ two years to adapt to the Korean residential environment because of the differences in the residential environment compared to their homeland. A based on the research result, the housing adviser is necessary in the marriage immigrants.참고 자료
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