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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국사회교과교육학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 사회과교육연구 / 18권 / 3호
ㆍ저자명 : 정호범
ㆍ저자명 : 정호범
Ⅰ. 머리말II. 다문화교육의 토대로서 다문화주의
III. 다문화주의 담론으로서 재분배와 인정의 관련성
IV. 재분배 이론과 인정 이론의 한계
V. 재분배와 인정의 상호보완을 통한 확장적 정의관 모색
Ⅵ. 맺음말 : 다문화교육의 지향점으로서 정의로운 다문화사회의 실현
참고 문헌
한국어 초록
In this thesis, I deal with a multiculturalism as philosophical background ofmulticultural education. Multiculturalism is interested in minority groups suffered from cultural
discrimination and cultural inequality tries to recognize their cultural identities and their cultural
I consider that the ultimate goal of multicultural education is realize the justice in multicultural
society. And I trace two perspectives on justice in multicultural society. There are two contrasting
perspectives : ‘politics of redistribution’ and ‘politics of recognition’. First perspective, there are ‘politics of redistribution’, which seek a more just distribution of resources and wealth. However,
we increasingly encounter a second perspective of justice in multicultural society claim in the
‘politics of recognition’. Here the goal is a difference world, where assimilation to majority or
dominant cultural norms is no longer the price of equal respect.
In such cases, we are effectively presented with an either/or choice : restribution or
recognition? I maintain that these are false antitheses. It is my general thesis that justice in
multicultural society requires both redistribution and recognition. Neither alone is sufficient.
Farser insists a ‘dual perspective theory’ in order to see the complex relation of recognition and
redistribution. As soon as one embrace this thesis, the question of how to combine them becomes
paramount. I shall consider that the emancipatory aspects of the two problematics should be
integrated in a extensive justice framework.
참고 자료
이 자료와 함께 구매한 자료
- 한국 인종편견 형성과정과 요인 17페이지
- 사례분석을 통한 한국 인종편견 특성 26페이지
- 우리나라 다문화교육에서 사회과교육의 역할과 한계 13페이지
- 다문화사회에서 요구되는 문화적 권리의 개념화 13페이지