This study aims to find out the level of lifestyle, skin care management knowledge &
attitudes of the University Student to verify what influence is to be given to
Psychological Well-Being and for which a survey was implemented targeting 115
university students in Daegu metropolitan and Gyeongbuk area during the period from
November 01-15, 2011 in which 62.6% female, 37.4% male, and 42.9% 20 year age
and 24.3% majoring health related students shared the most in the survey.
The study identified the average pocket money ranges 210~300 thousand per month, and
82.6% stays in student dormitory by residence type, 53.0% indicated to have opposite sex
friend. In terms of stress level, 50.4% indicated the highest suffered from it beyond the level
of average, and gender & major were the variables showed statical significances. The lifestyle
attitude of target students marked 2.74 points, in which sex, age, were the variables indicated
statical significance. In terms of the relationship with related variables, level of life
satisfaction indicated positive(+) correlation with life style attitude, skin care management
attitude, skin health status and Negative (-) correlation with stress level. In terms of
depression degree level, there indicated negative (-) correlation with life style attitude, skin
care management attitude and positive(+)correlation with level of stress. The
variables that affect to life satisfaction were with the order of lifestyle attitude, skin care
management attitude, whether to have friend, skin health status. The variables that affect to
level of depression were lifestyle attitude, skin health status.
Those College students vulnerable to health maintenance and management due to
unbearable stress caused from in the course of study activities of their major and learningvarious knowledge & skills requires to be equipped as being pre-members of society,
indicated extremely not caring properly their own health because of irregular lifestyle,
wrong skin caring knowledge and not proper skin care management as a result of which
their feeling of Psychological Well-Being is judged to be highly vulnerable.
In order to achieve more constructive future design and to promote satisfaction of
school life through increase of the level of Psychological Well-Being(life satisfaction,
depression level) it requires proper lifestyle attitude maintenance, attention & knowledge
acquisition to skin care among health care area and self effort by the student to
enhance skin care in addition to the effort of college authority to open liberal art related
to this subject, regular lecture by specialist, operation of various skin care related
program through which it is dearly necessary to exert effort to enhance the feeling of
Psychological Well-Being of collage students.