Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰
Ⅲ. 사례연구대상지의 기상특성
Ⅳ. 바람유동 분석 모의실험
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
One of the most important elements in creating the pleasant residential environment is the wind. For the pleasant residential environment, it is important that the air pollutants are not stagnant but appropriately and swiftly diffused and removed by winds. Especially, the river becomes a main route of wind in the urban core. So, it is necessary to seeure the space to circulate the sufficient cool air to this area. But, recently many high-rise apartment complexes have been built along the rivers that have the fme view and pleasant environment. As a result, the cool and fresh air coming from mountains hardly diffuses into the urban core but just flows along the river. Considering the facts above, this study selected types of building layout and kind of land cover as complex or architectural design factors that have an influence on wind environment. Based on the factors, it analyzed change in wind environment according to apartment complex development aiming at the Sinchun area which is Daegu Metropolitan City's main wind corridor. Therefore, when apartment complex development is planned in the future, it can offer basic data for establishing plans for more pleasant complexes. As a result of the analysis, it was shown that the layout type of housing and the building height plan in consideration of wind corridor around the river were pretty effective in increasing the wind speed and circulating the air in the apartment complex. Therefore, if wind corridor is considered when apartment complex development is planed in the future, this study can offer useful information contributing to improve comfort in residential environment in the level of complex building as well as city planning.