* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.
ㆍ발행기관 : 한국독서교육학연구회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 독서교육연구 / 4권
ㆍ저자명 : 김정수
ㆍ저자명 : 김정수
Ⅰ. 서 론Ⅱ. 연구 방법
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
Ⅵ. 결 론
한국어 초록
이 연구는 아동의 도덕성 발달을 위해 우화를 읽혀야 한다는 이론에서 시작하였다. 많은학자들이 초등학교 1∼2학년을 우화기라고 지칭하며 아동들에게 우화읽기를 권장한다. 이는
Piaget의 도덕성 발달단계인 타율적 도덕기에서 자율적 도덕기로 진입하는 이 시기에 우화는
도덕적 근거나 기준점이 된다는 것에 기인한다.
이 연구의 목적은 많은 학자들이 지적한 바와 같이 우화가 도덕성 발달을 도울 수 있는지
특히, 초등학교 1∼2학년의 도덕성 발달을 위해 적합한 도서인지 알아보고자 하는 것이다.
일반적으로 우화기라 불리는 초등학교 1∼2학년 아동들의 도덕 발달 정도와 우화의 도덕
발달 수준을 Kohlberg의 도덕 수준으로 분석 비교하여 이 시기의 아동들에게 우화가 읽기에
적합한 수준인지 알아보고자 한다. 또한 주제별로 도덕성 발달을 위해 필요한 도덕적 덕목을
담고 있는지 분석하고 아동들이 읽기에 부적합한 내용이나 주제를 나타내는 우화를 추려내려
도덕성 수준과 주제별 분석에서 우화가 아동들에게 적합한 도서라는 결과가 나온다면, 우
화를 어떻게 수업에 이용할 수 있는지 적절한 수업방안을 모색하고자 한다. 특히 Kohlberg가
제시한데로 도덕적 갈등 상황을 갖고 있는 우화로 토론 수업을 하여 도덕성을 발달시킬 수 있
는지 알아보고자 한다.
영어 초록
This study started from a theory that children should read fables to develop a sense ofmorality. Many scholars have argued that the first and second grades elementary school
students belong to the age of fable, and they are required to read fables. That argument
coincides with the Piaget's moral development, where children aged 8-9 moves from the
heteronomous morality to autonomous morality, and at that time they need moral standards
or moral grounds.
This study aims to examine such argument is true, especially the first and second grade
students in elementary school as many scholars have said. For the aim, the study
compares the morality level of students of first and second grade in elementary school and
the morality level of Aesop fables by using Kohlberg's moral development. In addition, it
tries to find out fables include moral values that are essential to develop children's
morality, and it compiles fables that are not suitable for children in terms of contents or
If the study proves that fables are suitable for children in terms of moral level and
appropriate subjects, it will move forward to find out how fables are applied in the class
environment. Especially, it uses a fable with moral conflict and finds out it is really
efficient in developing morality as Kohlberg said.
Findings of the study are as followings:
First, the study matched 448 Aesop fables to the Kohlberg's morality development, and
found that fables in the first stage are 158 (35.5%), followed by ones in the second, third,
fourth, and fifth stage being 148 (33%), 13 (2.9%), 10 (2.2%), and 9 (2%), respectively.
Fables in the first and second stages take up 68.3 percent, representing that fables are
suitable for children in the first- and second- grade students in elementary school to
develop their morality.
Second, the study found that the most frequent subject is warning against foolishness
(42), followed by greed and vanity (37), wisdom (29), origin and history (28),
understanding and consideration (22), warning against lying and cheating (9), arrogance
and self-conceit (16), and being hoisted on his/her own petard (11). In addition to them,many moral values that the 7th Curriculum emphasizes are shown: respect to life, integrity,
honesty, temperance, respect to the elder, cooperation, compliance, justice, etc.
However, the study found 44 out of 448 Aesop fables are not suitable for children,
accounting for 9 percent. Overall, most of Aesop fables are found to have stories that are
suitable for developing children's morality.
Based on the result, a discussion class was planned. 4 of second grade students were
selected and they were asked to listen to a fable about moral conflict. They were
monitored in order to find out they may develop a sense of morality.
The observation showed that children could not resolve conflicts with their lower level
of morality and they were required to use and develop higher level of morality.
These positive findings suggest that this instruction method can be applied to reading
class as well as small-and large- classroom activities. Further, I want to examine teaching
methods and texts that can change affective and behavioral aspects of children as well as
cognitive ones in the future.