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베이징올림픽이 한.중 양국에 미칠 영향

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국초등체육학회 수록지정보 : 한국초등체육학회지 / 12권 / 1호
저자명 : 이세형, 조준명


Ⅰ.연구의 필요성 및 목적
Ⅱ.올림픽 유치의 영향
Ⅳ. 결론


한국어 초록

영어 초록

In modern times, the Olympic Games is not a mere sports meeting, but a culural event that affects considerably the internaltional politics and society. the objective of this study is to investigate the influence that beijing Olympic games to be held in Beijing,China in 2008 could have on both countries, Korea and China for this objective I collected and utilized books, Internet web materials academic journals and press release of newspaper on the basis of study method using literature.
Thfough this study methoed and procedure, I have made the follosing conclusion.
First , the lositive influence that Beijing Olympic Gaems could have on Hcina is as follows:
1. Since the Olympic Games is held in Hcina it is obvious that China a strong country of sports, will sin more medals, confirming the position of superpower in global sports. Being ranked at the second place in 2004 Athens Opympic Games in hot chase of US china will surely get better results in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
2. Sice the proclamation of reformation and opening, china will prepare foundation for new leap by inducing Beijing Olympic Games, This will be an apportunity to solve the political and economic problem and conflict in China.
3. It is expected that while the construction of ingrastruture is promoted by the initiaion of central government the setor of tourism, information and communication traffic, sports and distribution would be expanded. It is also antivipated that domestic consumption would be promoted thankds to the construction of infrastructure and expansion of related facilities. After all, evonomic effect would be made and globalization would be promoted.
4. For the success of Beijing Olympic Games that china is to utilize as the foundation to leap toward advanced country, china sill mobilize all of the most advanced IT technology. In terms of scale of IT industry, China is at global level. However, with regard to technology, China is yet to go further to reach global level. beijing Olympic Games will make an opportunity to completely overcome this technological difference sooner or later.
5. Thanks to Beijing Olympic Games Chinese market will be global market into which multinational corporations will advance in accelerated rate. Furthermore, the improvement of market encironment in china and elimination of market barriers would encourage multinational corporations to make intensive investment . Some 2 million employments related to Olympic Games yould be created and China could be stand at the center of international stage due to the profit originated from license acquired by organization committee.
Second, the negative influene that Beijing Olympic Games could have on China is as follows.
1. Since astronomic budget is to be spent in constructing stadium and road, it is expected that negative effect would be caused by opportunity cost of holding Olympic Games

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