This study was to investigate the effect of teacher's characteristics on the satisfactory level of physical education classess for the elementary school students on the ground that teacher's attitude for physical education would have an influences on the puality of the classes. 266 elementary school techers(102 males and 164 females) ans 5320 students in Gwangju city and Chonnam province were partivipated in this study, After collecting the questionnaire. the statistical analysis about the ecological factors(gender, career, working areas, and specialization of physical educaion class) interest in physical education and skill level were executed . The results obtained from this study were as follows;
1. The gender of teacher did not have any effect on the tudents class satisfaction. But the class satisfaction of male teachers was significantly higher than that of female teachers(p<0.05)
2. The teachers in physical education were significantly higher than the teachers in gharge in the students class satisfaction.
3. The career and their place of working of teacher did not have any effect on the students class satisfaction.
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