· 발행기관 : 한국초등체육학회
· 수록지 정보 : 한국초등체육학회지 / 7권 / 1호
· 저자명 : 이덕영, 김광진
The aim of this study is to verify the hypothesis of magill and Hall(1990)which as follows. The skill variables through the manipulation of parameters in the generalized motor program of the same condition show the contextual interference affect according to the pratice condition. As to analyze this pattern the skill variables including only the parameters are not shown the contextual interference effect.
The subjects were 27 right-handed boy students who had no experience about table tennis( average age; 12.16) . The assignment for the experiment was to use knuckle, drive, and cut serves. The model of Mott's Lockhat(1946) was used for the experiment instrument in acquisition and retention phase. The independent variables are up to the degree of contextual interference effect(blocked, random, and mixed practice) Repeated Measures on Factor was done according to the practive conditions to improve the effect of learning. In the acquisition phase 135 performing were done in a practice of 15 performing . In retention phase 15 performing done in 10minutes retention and 15 performing 24 hours retention.
The 2-way ANOVA with One Factor Repeated Measures was conducted by the data dealing (3x9) The post verification was reanalyzed by the method of Tukey HSD. Therefore, The results are as following:
First, in the acquisitio phase therewas the pracice effect for performing exactly as the experiment continued . The blocked and random practice were more effective than the mixed practice.
Next, in 10 minutes retention phase the random and mixed practice were more effective than the blocked practice.
Finally in 24 hours retention phase the random and mixed practice were more effective, too
· 없음
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