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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국미술교과교육학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 사향미술교육논총
ㆍ저자명 : 권준범
ㆍ저자명 : 권준범
1. 서론2. 미술관과 감상
3. 미술관 활용 감상교육의 실제
4. 결론
5. 제언
한국어 초록
학교 미술과 교육의 목표는 현대 사회의 광범위한 시각문화를 능동적으로 향유하고 소비할 수 있는 문화인을 육성하는데 있으나, 현 학교 현장은 표현중심으로 작품 생산 위주의 수업이 진행되고 있는 것이 현실이다. 제7차 교육과정에서 미적체험과 감상영역이 강조되고 있으나 교재, 교사능력, 시설 등 모든 여건이 원활하지 못하고 미술과 교육에 대한 교사와 학부모들의 타성에 젖은 교육현실은 교육목표와 현실의 이질화만 가중시켰다.영어 초록
Today, Art museum is art culture zero for general public. And there is place of an aesthetic-experience opportunity of students. With the United States of America European art museums various education activity program develop. And is supplying in the teacher education and school.Also, school and art museum art work by intermediary research for aesthetic-experience of students and appreciation ability elevation do . The 7th curriculums of our country are emphasizing appreciation activity. Because serve to educate ability that cope spontaneously to art culture. And in 1 year in curriculums courses museum is encouraging art museum learning by a field study . So, art museum is developing various education program for child customer.
School is finding method to utilize actively art museum by place of education for art appreciation. But, appreciation education through art museum need many efforts of teachers in education spot. Specific art museum link education program was not developed in the school yet. So, need teacher's time and effort for art museum link education. Need much researches of art museum and school to overcome these point. And need various art museum link education program in children appreciation ability level. So, supply actively and need effort to actualize in the school.
Teachers must accommodate actively and utilize art museum link education program. Art museum link appreciation studying that school becomes center can overcome limit of school appreciation class and realize creative class. This art museum link education activity makes foundation that can contact children spontaneously to art culture. And supply method that can utilize well art museum as chief of lifelong education and culture space furthermore. Satisfy art and subject education. Also, education for the whole man is available and enjoy culture naturally.
참고 자료
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