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시각문화에 대한 사회기호학적 읽기에 관한 연구

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발행기관 : 한국미술교과교육학회 수록지정보 : 사향미술교육논총
저자명 : 김정선


2.사회 기호학적 읽기
3.비판적 읽기

한국어 초록

아른하임에 의하면 본다는 행동 자체가 예술적이고, 또한 창조적 활동이며 생산적인 사고이다. 형태 심리학자인 아른하임에게는 사유가 앞서며 사유는 곧 지각의 연속이거나 중첩이다. 반면 메를로 퐁티에게 있어 본다는 것은 신체 주체가 세계와 관계를 맺는 근원적인 방식이다. 지각이란 감각적 존재를 충만하게 하는 ‘원초적인 작용’으로서 다른 모든 경험 형태에 대해 인식론적, 존재론적 우위를 차지한다고 한다. 즉 지각이 모든 지식의 토대를 이루고 있으며 그렇기 때문에 모든 학문과 문화적 세계에 대한 탐구는 이 층위에 대한 연구로부터 시작해야 한다고 주장한다.

영어 초록

Education is a part of human activities that takes place under a particular culture and social circumstances. The role and function of various visual images have become very significant in our modern culture. The demand of visual-culture education(VCE) has been increased. The purpose of this paper is to improve learners󰡑cultural capacity by embracing current visual culture educationally and developing current art education to VCE.
Until now, art education has not properly integrated with the change of learners󰡑cultural circumstances. The learners need to understand their own culture and learn to communicate within that culture. Visual culture is examined as field of study that analyzes and interprets how visual experiences are constructed with social system, practices, and structure. So visual culture actually refers to multicultural, multimodal, intercultural, and interdisciplinary. Art educators need to recognize how this culture condition influences student's lives in profound ways. To teach visual cultures in the classroom, we have to consider them carefully. Because they have different fundamental starting points and goals and require of teachers a different orientation to the curriculum as a whole. Teaching visual culture is not a matter of uncritical acceptance of the wide ranging changes in the visual culture. it is a process of broadening the professional field to come to grips with these changes and discussing to develop insight into their meanings. Consequently the argument for moving from art to the study of visual culture should involve consideration about transformation of curriculum content, shifts in methods of teaching, and a reconsideration of the curriculum.
Visual culture needs to express by visual image, to understand visual image , and to communicate with visual image. Communication is 'producting and changing of meaning' rather than 'only conveying information' on the view of semiotics.
Next, the VCE has practical aspects that include writing, reading, and rewriting. First, writing has to be the center of the VCE for children. Based on characteristics of postmorden visual art, learners have to express, through their meaning stories, what they think, what they reflect, what they see. During this writing activity, they have to use cultural resources of the present and the past. Second, reading helps learners to understand socio-cultural trends, raising ability to actively participate in culture. Third, rewriting means the circulation of writing and reading. In this approach, learners symbolize and widen their understanding through the cycle multiple symbolization and the interaction.

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